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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello Team,
Could you give me an analysis on this company and is it one you would endorse?
Thank You,
Read Answer Asked by Barry on February 16, 2021
Q: 5I Team,

Can I please get your current thoughts on Jamf Holding Corp, (JAMF).

Read Answer Asked by Scott on February 16, 2021
Q: HI, I wish to add a US stock (large Cie) in my RRSP with those criteria:
1) Safe dividends
2) Some growth
3) Not overpriced ( technology stocks seem very popular and expensive )
I hesitate between PG and VZ
Which one would suit better ?
Any other suggestion in this context ?
Many thanks JY
Read Answer Asked by Jean-Yves on February 16, 2021
Q: My research drudged up this on Kaleyra, do you agree or have anything to add? Was thinking of starting a position.

A cloud computing company offering communications solutions. The company’s SaaS platform supports SMS, voice calls, and chatbots – a product with obvious applications and value in today’s office climate, with the strong push to telecommuting and remote work. Kaleyra boasts over 3,500 customers, who make 3 billion voice calls and sent 27 billion text messages in 2019 (the last year with full numbers available).
Over the past 6 months, KLR shares have shown tremendous growth, appreciating 155%. Kaleyra’s revenues have grown along with the share value. The company’s 3Q20 results hit $38.3 million, the best since KLR went public. While Kaleyra still runs a net earnings loss each quarter, the Q3 EPS was the lowest such loss in the past four quarters.
“Over the past few years, Kaleyra has posted double-digit revenue growth and positive adjusted EBITDA. We forecast revenue growth of 9%, 22%, and 28% for 2020-2022. We project adjusted EBITDA declines in 2020 to reflect public company costs and COVID-19, but growth at over twice the rate of revenue for the following two years. We expect benefits from operating leverage, low-cost tech employees, cost volume discounts as the company expands, and margin improvement from new offerings and geographies. Over the longer term, we believe the company can grow revenue close to 30% with even faster bottom line growth,” .

Read Answer Asked by James on February 16, 2021
Q: As I type this question ILMN is up 13.68% today. I believe they reported yesterday so they must have been strong numbers. I'm thinking of selling my PFE to buy ILMN because (not including dividends) I'm slightly negative with PFE over 3 years. I know you like ILMN and I would be buying a higher risk company and cutting back the dividends but ILMN just seems an excellent company. It would be about a 2% weighting. Any comments would be appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by James on February 12, 2021
Q: Hello! I was wondering if you could recommend your favourite Space Stocks? Maybe 3 big cap names and 3 small or mid cap names. Either US or Can. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on February 12, 2021
Q: I bought Asana on the advice of a professional who uses their software, and on their momentum and sector momentum. I'd like to buy Unity software (U) and was thinking to sell ASAN concomitantly. Is that a reasonable tradeoff or should I make room for both by trimming a Chip holding like Micron? I am not selling NVDA!
Read Answer Asked by Darren on February 12, 2021
Q: You have not fallen out of love with PFE. Neither had I , but my feelings for it have been getting very wobbly lately. I have had PFE for many years and still show a loss. Shares continue to decline, now at a faster rate it seems. Although several PFE drugs are going off patent , but I understand PFE has a good pipeline of promising new drugs. Is this why you love it so? Nevertheless, I would now admit defeat were it not for your very positive view of the company, which has encouraged my already biased positive regard. I am however now running out of excuses for holding on to this otherwise great company. I would therefore love to know what YOU regard are the catalysts for PFE going forward. Those catalysts seems to be things I have missed completely.
Read Answer Asked by Adam on February 12, 2021
Q: As a recovery play, and a 2 to 5 year horizon, specifically cruise lines, what is your opinion on CCL vs it's peers. If not CCL, what others would you recommend and why. CCL seems to be the biggest in terms of the number of sub groups under it. Is this size a negative though? Please provide some forward looking metrics to your recommended play
Read Answer Asked by Harry on February 12, 2021
Q: This is a follow up question re buying Vestas wind OTC pink.
I have looked at the idea and tried to talk to my broker TD waterhouse but don't have the patience to wait for the phone to be answered.
I can't buy it from their website without calling.
Anyway I have given up on the idea of this company but would like a few suggestions for established wind turbine companies that operate internationally.
Many Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Peter on February 12, 2021