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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Peter/Ryan, I've never held an American company in my accounts and was thinking of adding either BA or LMT in either my TFSA or RRSP account. Which company would you suggest and which account would be better for it, oh and is there a good reason not to hold an American company in either of these account. Thanks for all you guys do.
Read Answer Asked by Nick on May 04, 2021
Q: Hi,

What do you think of US energy stocks for the next two years? Is it too late to get in?

If not, which would you recommend?
Read Answer Asked by Graeme on May 04, 2021
Q: I have some USD within my business account from US client payments. Rather than holding as cash at the current exchange rate, I'm thinking of investing it into something that would produce some yield. It's within my Canadian Corporation, not sure the implications around US Dividends within a Corp?

I see more upside in the individual tickers mentioned, but buying the index is an easier means of setting and forgetting. Any insight or other names that would be of interest? I'd say I'm less open to significant risk with this capital coming from the Corp.
Read Answer Asked by Don on May 04, 2021
Q: Currently I own all of these semi conductor related companies in my taxable account. QCOM, AMD and MRVL are still at a loss since the March downturn. All others are in positive territory, especially SMH. Should I continue to hold them all as core holdings for the long term or would you trim or delete any? Is it still a good idea to hold SMH because the ETF owns a number of companies like ASML, AMAT, an MU that I do not hold?
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on May 04, 2021
Q: Hi 5i team,

Further to Dave’s question on Jan 22/21, can you please add ClearField Inc (CLFD) to your database.
The recent quarter appeared to handily beat again, can they continue their impressive growth rates going forward and specifically, post pandemic? Would you start an initial (⅓) position? Is there anything concerning in their financials (P/E, etc) that would make you cautious? The Q2 release mentioned possible supply chain issues in the near term, is this concerning to you?
Given the higher Cdn $ these days it seems like a good time to buy some US stocks.

My other choice is Abcellera (ABCL) which has fallen quite a bit in the last 3 months. Any specific reason for the decline other than vaccines are more widely available/distributed.? Any preference between these two? I don’t own either stock currently.

Appreciate the work the team does!!
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on May 03, 2021