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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Peter,

It looks like capitulation is nearing. There isn't anywhere to hide anymore.

Would you wait for further drops in WMT, TGT, COST, L, and PBM or is it a good time to jump in on some or all of the these names?

Can you rank the stocks in order of preference for a 3-5 year or more hold in an RRSP? Would you purchase any of the stocks for a TFSA at this time?

Thank you
Debbie and Jerry
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on May 19, 2022
Q: I hold the following and each one is down to a point where each one represents approximately 1% of my portfolio.


1- Should I let any of them go to deploy in the others?
2- Can you please rate them in order of best growth over the next 4-5 years.
3- Can you please rate them in order of lowest risk over the next 4-5 years.

Thanks for all you do!
Read Answer Asked by Marco on May 19, 2022
Q: Good morning Team, I am looking for proxy's for the 3 stocks mentioned with the plan to repurchase in 30 days, unless 5I suggests better options for the listed stocks.

Thanks Dave
Read Answer Asked by Dave on May 18, 2022
Q: One of my so called steady Eddie's COST is plummeting along with Walmart but I feel this could be a good buying op. At what point would I buy.? People love Costco and I just can't see it staying down for long but please correct my naivety.
Thanks for all you do. You all are truly appreciated. It must be difficult to know your "flock" is hurting from all the ups and downs during these times.
Read Answer Asked by El-ann on May 18, 2022
Q: We hold the following in a registered/US$ account . The list shows % each represents of our total portfolio and current Gain/Loss position. Considering selling U and redeploying into one or more of the names already held in US$ account.
1. Are there others that you would consider selling ?
2. Your thoughts please on which, if any, of the existing positions to re-deploy into, OR should the cash be held for later use ?

APPS 1.6% -61%
BKNG 1.1% -2%
CROX 0.3% -26%
CRWD 2.5% -25%
FB 0.55% -6%
MSFT 2.8% +72%
MTTR 0.25% -77%
NVDA 3.65% +38%
QCOM 4.4% +81%
TEAM 2.1% +11%
U 1.3% -67%

Many thanks, as always.
Read Answer Asked by Alexandra on May 18, 2022
Q: Looking for dividends (monthly would be superb). Any US stock with a 4-5% dividend that you would recommend for long term hold (5 years)? Appreciate all your great suggestions!
Read Answer Asked by Dr Lorraine on May 18, 2022
Q: I have held JEPI thinking that in a bear market, or any down market, JEPI should do better than SPY or RSP. Is this in fact correct? The decline in JEPI seems about the same as the decline in SPY. I am however not sure. In comparing charts, even premium sources I have access to do not footnote whether or not distributions are taken into account. I also cannot tell from JEPI’s history what portion of distribution is in fact return of capital.
Read Answer Asked by Adam on May 18, 2022