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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: What would be your one pick of smci, shopify or bkng? I see these are all liked by you. I am looking to add one more growth name to my holdings and not not concerned about what sector. I am leaning towards smci which I have bought and sold in the past but have not held as it seems to have big ups and draw downs which makes me nervous. Thanks,

Read Answer Asked by Jason on October 25, 2023
Q: Hi group...If we assume the conflict in middle east is going to escalate. What are you thoughts on a strategy to take advantage ...I am thinking we might test last Oct lows...What your thoughts on this?.
I have $100,000) cash waiting to invest at some point... do you suggest entry soon? and if so what is your top 10 picks regardless of sector or market. Thanks for your insight
Read Answer Asked by Terence on October 24, 2023
Q: Sooner than later the US Congress and Senate will have to deal with the US debt ceiling. One option is to cut expenditure for certain categories, like health care or medical expenditures. With this in mind, I searched for revenue from the US Federal Government for each of the health stocks that I hold but with no luck. Did this as I think that if such revenue is cut for such healthcare stocks the price of the stock could decline. Can you estimate such revenue received for each of these stocks - ABBV, ABT, BSX, ISRG, SYK, UNH and ZTS? Or do you know a source for such information? .......Thanks for the assistance.......Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on October 24, 2023
Q: Peter and His Wonder Team
I realize I am trying to compare apples to oranges in two different sectors... but I would like your opinion which is always objective and rational. If you had to sell one of these stocks...which one would it be? Or do you think they both have upside potential...I am down on both? With respect I thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Ernest on October 24, 2023
Q: I know you dislike the terms “screaming buys” and “backup the truck” about “almost irresistible “ buys to hold for the next 3 years? 5 Canadian, 5 US.
Read Answer Asked by Leonard on October 23, 2023
Q: Dear 5i team.

Just finished reading the past few mths questions on APPS. Obviously, you've thrown in the towel on it.

Do you see a scenerio where they go bankrupt? IE: equity going to zero? You said it's debt/cash flow is 4Xs. Terminal, or does mgmt have a shot at redemption?

Appreciate your updated views on their fundimentals.
Read Answer Asked by Arthur on October 22, 2023