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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Looking for 5 names for my Cdn TFSA . Must pay a dividend. Currently hold GSY, ATD, BAM.A EFM, DOO, DFY.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by David on November 07, 2022
Q: I am down on these names in my TFSA account
CTS (-44%)
ENGLX (-73%)
QST (-28%)
XBC (100%)

Is it time to throw in the towel on all of these, consolidate into one name or use my next year TFSA contribution limit to dollar cost average down?

I also hold an ETF, VGRO, in this account which is down 13%.

Read Answer Asked by Donald on November 02, 2022
Q: If I have to pick two names out of 4 which one it would be for Growth in TFSA

Read Answer Asked by Mahendiali on October 28, 2022
Q: I need to pull about $170,000 out of my TFSA to finish a house build. Can I put that amount plus the 2023 contribution in the new year or $81,500 plus the 2023 contribution?
Read Answer Asked by Clarence on October 25, 2022
Q: Hello Peter and Team,

Our question today is about CDR's in TFSA accounts and potential tax benefits. If you were to buy Goog, AMZN, and NVDA today, what would be the recommended method?
Open a US TFSA and purchase the stock in US funds (one-time conversion costs would occur)
Purchase the stock in the native currency in the CDN TFSA

Do CDR's reduce exposure to the taxman if death occurs instead of having US domiciled stocks in a TFSA or RRSP or RRIF?

Thank you.

Debbie and Jerry

for RRSP's
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on October 24, 2022
Q: Can you provide a 'buy' list for a person wanting to deploy $200,000 (inside RRSP) with the goal of creating 5% or more sustained cash flow - as well as growing the original capital to keep up with inflatiion? We do not have company pensions - this would serve to supplement our government pensions.
Thinking, 20 stocks across all sectors @ $10,000 each (or 5%)
Also could you include 10 growth stocks (inside TFSA) for a total of $250,000 - gotta have some fun ;)
Many Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Jan on October 07, 2022
Q: If on January 1st we don't have cash in our unregisteted account, can we move stocks from there to our TFSA? If so, do we use the market value of the shares on that day? (6500.00)
Read Answer Asked by Andrea on October 06, 2022
Q: I'm thinking ahead to December and the cash that is in four family TFSAs. I'm considering moving all the cash in these TFSAs out near the end of December into a cash savings account with the broker. My thoughts about doing this is to provide more options in 2023, like transfer in securities from a trading account or transfer in the cash sufficient to purchase a new stock position. Also this would provide more flexibility with respect to the new TFSA contribution room for 2023. Well that seems to be the upside and, me, can't see any real downside to this approach. I would appreciate your take and insights about how to manage cash in an existing TFSA come the end of the year.........Thanks.........Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on September 07, 2022
Q: I am currently managing my TFSA/RRSP funds and some money outside of registered accounts, which are largely individual stocks. With the market volatility, potential recession and war in Ukraine, I am finding it more difficult to keep on top of the individual stocks and am therefore considering going to ETF's. I am a year away from retirement but would be ok with more risk in the TFSA/RRSP's.
Could you please suggest 5 ETF's for the registered accounts and 5 ETF's for the non-registered accounts.
Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Jacquie on June 02, 2022
Q: Hello Peter,
For starting TFSA position, i was thinking of Brookfield Asset Management, Goog Ne (CDR) and either Royal Bank or Sunlife.. What makes more sense for a conservative value oriented long term positions? Thanks very much.
Read Answer Asked by umedali on May 04, 2022
Q: I've been looking at the regional and sector allocations of my investments at the total portfolio level (TFSA + RRSP + non-reg), generally buying growth stocks in the TFSA and safer stocks in the RRSP. Does it make sense to continue to look at the allocations and diversify at a portfolio level? Or should I also be looking at it for the 3 individual types of accounts separately?
Read Answer Asked by Alexander on April 27, 2022
Q: Based on today price, what are your top 5 stocks to hold in a TFSA for 10+ years with high growth and medium-low risk for that frame period ?
Can you rank then in order if there's one ?
Read Answer Asked by Olivier on April 12, 2022
Q: If you were to start TFSA portfolio today, what would be one stock you would consider a must buy?
Read Answer Asked by Patrick on April 06, 2022
Q: What are the best types of stocks to include in TFSA for long term hold (15-20yrs) with medium risk tolerance? Growth only or growth + income? Have heard that dividend stocks in TFSA can be good as income can compound over time tax free but if the growth outperformes the dividend yield would that not be better? Also could you include your top 10 Canadian picks right now for allocation in TFSA (sector doesn't matter)? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Theron on April 05, 2022
Q: In a taxable well diversified account would you take a loss on SQ to buy PYPL or any other US stock in which case please make 3 suggestions. Currently hold AAPL, GOOG, CRWD, CROX. Looking for growth with medium risk. I'm a patient investor but could use some capital loss this year.
Read Answer Asked by Yves on April 01, 2022
Read Answer Asked by Herbert on March 29, 2022
Q: I have $35,000 CAD to invest in a non registered account. Can you suggest a couple of names worth looking at (US/Can)and why? I have a 7 year time horizon.

Thoughts on how you might deploy? Buy now, in thirds over the next few months or wait?


Read Answer Asked by Don on March 15, 2022
Q: In response to a question from Grant on Feb 24 you said "...we think GOOG is one of the easier stocks to buy right now" (re initiating a full position). 25 year-old looking to contribute $6000 to a TFSA, long-term time horizon. Given GOOG is currently trading at around $2700USD (approx $3500CAD) and with only $6k to work with, what do you think of using the CDR alternative (GOOG.NE at about $23CAD) instead, if looking to invest as much as possible of the $6k into GOOG? Was also considering BAM.A (already has some in the portfolio). I know they're both good companies but which of the two would you side with long-term if only choosing one? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on February 28, 2022
Q: someone asked whether transferring between his/her US tfsa to a cdn tfsa would be a disposition and contribution OR an internal transfer with no effect on contributions

i would check with your institution because if they are considered 2 separate tfsa's then this will be a redemption and thus you will not be able to put the $$ to the other tfsa till jan 1 2023

better check than be subject to onerous penalties from overcontributing in 2022
Read Answer Asked by Robert on February 22, 2022