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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: My 20 year old contributed $21k to his TFSA in July, purchasing roughly equal amounts of KXS, PHO, SIS, TOY and PUR. He just sold his PUR shares and now has about 26% of his now $27.6k portfolio in cash. KXS represents about 14% of his portfolio (down approx. 8% from July), PHO 20%/+33%; SIS 17%/+14% and TOY 23%/+43%. Are there one or two names you could suggest to add to his portfolio? Or would he better off maybe topping up a couple of his current holdings (KXS? SIS?). This is for a long term hold. Love your service. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on December 15, 2017
Q: I am an Alberta resident and in a low (15% federal rate) tax bracket and have the option of placing my $US investments in my TFSA or a regular investment account. Recognizing the 15% US withholding tax but also the foreign tax credit against Cdn tax owed, which account is preferable from a current income perspective?
Read Answer Asked by Jim on December 11, 2017
Q: Hi Peter & team,

Over the years I have been focused on paying off my mortgage and putting the majority of any savings I have into my RRSP account and contributing into my child's RESP account. As a result, the RRSP account has over 80% of the savings that I have accumulated to this point while my TFSA and non-registered accounts total the remaining 20%. I finally have paid off my mortgage and I was wondering whether I should now be focusing on putting most of my money into the TFSA and non-registered accounts, so that the ratio between the RRSP/TFSA/non-registered accounts become more balanced? Is there such thing as a good balance between the 3 types of accounts?

Thanks for the wonderful work and all the insightful answers you provide.

Read Answer Asked by Marvin on December 07, 2017
Q: My Daughter will be contributing to her TFSA this year (Value of about 50K).
What 5 stocks would you suggest for someone starting out who has many years to contribute and watch the account grow?
Read Answer Asked by Rudy on December 06, 2017
Q: Hello, One of kids just turned 18 and I would like to start a TFSA. What would you recommend to invest in as a long term goal so that they can also learn about investing. The money will not be required for next 5 years at least
Read Answer Asked by Ravindra on November 27, 2017
Q: If someone was looking to add to a TFSA account, what would be your best 5 ideas to invest in.

Thanks Valter
Read Answer Asked by Valter on November 20, 2017
Q: My daughter wants to start a TSFA with $5000.00. This will be a long term investment with nothing else added for at least a year or two. She is 24. Would you recommend a couple of stocks or would etf's be the way to go? Which stocks or Etf's would you suggest? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Lois on November 20, 2017