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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Have a RESP with a 15 year time horizon. Looking for your recommendation on a mix of (growth) Canadian and US stocks and allocation; already have amazon.
Thanks as always for your great service!

Read Answer Asked by Gregory on August 01, 2019
Q: Regarding earlier question on seeming overcontribution to TFSA, the discrepancy most likely involves dividend reinvestments which are added to book value.
Read Answer Asked by richard on July 29, 2019
Q: Hi Peter, Ryan and Team,

In my TFSA, I have FTS, KXS, PBH, PHO, SIS and WPK. Currently I am down on PHO (30 %) and SIS (20%) and the others are doing ok. Do you think the mix is right for a long term outlook? If not, could you recommend what to swap out and replace?

Thanks again for all your great work.

Read Answer Asked by Marvin on July 29, 2019
Q: A friend and I were comparing our TFSA results. He is a passive index type and I am a stock picker. His balance is 107K and mine is 101K. At the moment it looks like he is winning. We have both contributed the max 63,500. But our book cost or cost basis raised a question. His cost shows as 77,500 and mine at 66,092. It looks like we have both over contributed but I know I haven't and he says he hasn't ...there must be something about cost basis that I don't understand. Can you explain?
Read Answer Asked by David on July 29, 2019
Q: À Canadian citizen returning to Canada after working in Australia for 14 years. Can such a person make TFSA’s contributions retroactive ?
This would make an eligible contribution today of $ 63,500.00
I cannot find an answer to this question anywhere.
Read Answer Asked by Luc on July 25, 2019
Q: I have about 20% cash in my TFSA. Other holdings are AQN, MSI, BPY, ENB and CGX. Would like to deploy about half the cash into one of AFN, NFI, CGY or FSZ. What would your pick be?
Read Answer Asked by Kelly on July 24, 2019
Q: Hi,
Can you break down simply how you decide what types of stocks/holdings you recommend hold in which account (tfsa, rrsp, non registered). I am early 30s with a long term outlook on that majority of my holdings, all drips are used (including proxy's where needed) and all contribution space is filled each year in all registered accounts.

Read Answer Asked by david on July 11, 2019
Q: Small TFSA started last year and now looking at bringing it up to the maximum with contributions this year and beginning of next year. Would like to try and grow it towards $100,000 and then in about 4 years transition more to income producing holdings to augment pensions. Could you please comment on the current holdings listed below and suggest where to top up, replace or add and to what %. Prefer Canadian holdings to avoid U.S. tax issues.
Many thanks as always

KXS 30%
BNS 25%
BEP.un 10%
SIS 10%
GC 9.5%
PHO 6%
GUD 2%
COV 1.5%
Read Answer Asked by Alexandra on July 05, 2019
Q: I know you have stated that "growth" stocks are best to be held in your TFSA.
I just turned 70 - I had put Dollarama and Savaria in this account and Dollarama is recovering but Savaria is not, to date, although I know you still like it.
The problem is that when you have it in this account and things don't work out, you can't sell and claim a loss vs putting it into your Non-RRSP account.

Shouldn't your age and time horizon come in effect when deciding on what goes into each account.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Margaret on July 05, 2019
Q: Hi guys! I asked this question a few days ago and received no reply. Not sure what happened, it could have been on my end. I have equal portions of these 8 stocks in my TFSA. What do you think of these stock selections?
Thank You !
Read Answer Asked by Dean on July 03, 2019
Q: The above funds are presently held in my TFSA - managed account with 1% fees. Unhappy with the overall performance of this account. Are any of these growth funds? Which would you sell. Please recommend funds for a TFSA? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Lorraine on June 26, 2019
Q: My daughter is 20 and has maximized her TFSA allotment in an annual lump sum for past three years, and is likely to maximize every year going forward. I'm trying to simplify her investing so what ETF's would you recommend if she doesn't need the money for three years? Would you recommend different ETF's if she doesn't need for 10 years? What about 20+ years?
Read Answer Asked by Valerie on June 14, 2019
Q: Have the above stocks in a TFSA. Would like to add 3 stock to the collections. Suggestions or should I just add to the exiting stocks. Long term hold 5 years plus. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by David on June 13, 2019
Q: My TFSA is 1% and my RRSP is 5% of my overall portfolio, does it matter what stocks I invest in? I have maintained a balanced portfolio (excluding utilities, energy) in my RRSP but I am thinking I don't need to do this. My TFSA has returned over 300% in three years so I get some enjoyment out of that. I have reduced some of my high fliers but have recently stopped doing that, deciding them to let them soar (keeping in mind that could dive as well). Thanks
Read Answer Asked by stephen on June 13, 2019
Q: A year ago a member asked about BL.UN. You had suggested RBOT ETF. They both have a MER of 0.9%. I think BL.UN is a CEF. They have quite different holdings. I am looking for a Canadian Fund or ETF with Hi TEch holdings in my RRIF. The top holding of BL.UN seemed to fit. I appreciate your view on this.
Read Answer Asked by Ford on June 12, 2019