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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I'm considering opening a TFSA for a spouse who has a low income. However, he is considered a dual citizen. There seems to be conflicting advice about whether it makes sense to open a TFSA for someone considered a dual citizen,.
Can you clarify this?
Read Answer Asked by Valerie on December 09, 2024
Q: Greetings 5i team,
For my 2025 TFSA contribution, I will be adding to existing holdings as listed above. In what order might a person add to these three companies. I note the 6% drop in EQB today.
Thank you very much as always
Read Answer Asked by Steve on December 06, 2024
Q: Good day,

I am setting up TFSA and FHSA accounts for an 18-year-old with a 15-25 year investment horizon. The goal is to contribute the maximum annual limit each year, which is $7,000 for the TFSA and $8,000 for the FHSA in 2024, and continuing at those levels in subsequent years. From an aggressive growth perspective, without restricting the investment options to Canadian markets, what would you recommend? Also, do you recommend making an lumpsum investment or spread the purchases over time? If so, how do you suggest I spread the purchases.

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Vee on November 19, 2024
Q: What happens to a spouses TFSA if they pass away,and you are the registered agent for the account.My question is can you continue to trade ,or do nothing and could the fund continue to grow tax free
Read Answer Asked by Greg on October 16, 2024
Q: Recently I transferred in kind shares of Bell. From my unregistered account to a TFSA.They were deemed to be sold at a loss.Can I claim the loss?.And also my shares of MG that are at a significant loss in my TFSA which I if needed to sell .If I transfer them to my nonregistered account will they be deemed to be sold in TFSA and I would not be able to claim the loss? As allways thanks Larry
Read Answer Asked by Larry on October 11, 2024
Q: Morning, you wonderful people.

Looking to add with your help. I am a believer in tech and growth in my TFSA. Other accounts are balanced.


Regardless of sector etc. Please let me know your top 3-5 to add to this portfolio. Longterm and conviction!

Thank you muchly.
Read Answer Asked by Jemma on September 04, 2024
Q: Hi there! Long time subscriber here, and love your platform!

I'm currently developing a plan to align with my goal of purchasing my first home in about eight years, alongside a long-term investment strategy. I’m seeking your insight on how a person in this situation could responsibly proceed (I understand that nothing here is considered actionable financial advice).

I'm currently contributing $400 biweekly to my FHSA, aiming to reach the $16,000 contribution limit this year. I also have approximately $5,000 in my TFSA, with all funds currently held in cash in both accounts.

For the FHSA, I’m considering investing in a high-growth American ETF, such as VFV, IUSG, or IWO, to balance growth and risk over the eight-year horizon. However, I would only like to invest in CAD (I'm not sure which ones only allow USD). Could you provide guidance on which ETF might be the most suitable for this approach, and why? If you have other recommendations, I would appreciate your insights.

For my TFSA, I'm interested in an aggressive investment strategy, potentially utilizing one of your growth or balanced portfolios. Given my exposure to cryptocurrency, I aim to diversify into equities for greater stability while still pursuing substantial growth over the next 45 years. I'm comfortable with higher volatility during this period. With $5,000 currently in my TFSA, would you recommend specific securities or a strategy that balances high growth with diversification?

While I’d prefer to follow your portfolio exactly, my current funds are only 5% of the $100,000 needed to follow it exactly. As an alternative, I'm considering selecting stocks from your portfolio and eventually investing evenly across the entire growth portfolio when my TFSA grows to an appropriate amount. Given my current $5,000 and my $100 bi-weekly contributions, which companies would you recommend selecting from within those two portfolios? Should I allocate $1,000 each to five different stocks or focus on three stocks with an initial $1,600 investment in each (the more I diversify on such a small number the less the potential return)? Your advice on which equities to select for both approaches and your opinion on the most responsible approach would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance! :)
Read Answer Asked by Bill on September 04, 2024
Q: Hello Team,

I am setting up a TFSA account for my son, he would be saving this money for a house down the road (at least 5-7 years away).

I was thinking maybe purchasing 3-4 stocks and 1 ETF for him to hold, can you let me know what you would recommend. We are going to deposit the max he can deposit which is 19.5K.

Looking to maximize growth.


Read Answer Asked by Kevin on August 13, 2024
Q: Hello 5i,

I am 27 years old. I have approx. $100,000 to start a portfolio. I have established with two positions thus far - 5% each in ATZ & BAM. Considering my age, what companies would you suggest I add keeping in mind my focus being a long term growth with a set-it-and-forget-it strategy?

If possible I would like some good dividend generation names which hopefully do not sacrifice some reasonable capital gains.

If you could suggest which of the recommendations would be better suited (tax wise) to put into my TFSA and why that is so, that would be appreciated.

Thank you Peter & Team

Read Answer Asked by Andrew on July 12, 2024
Q: I know this is outside 5i's wheelhouse, but I am going to cheekily ask it anyway. I am contemplating a 50% drawdown of my investments (to purchase a cottage) and want to determine the optimal way to do so. 50% of my investments are in a cash account, and roughly 50% split equally between TFSAs and RRSPs (all of which are maxed out). Almost all my high growth stocks are in my TFSA (NVDA, VRT, GOOG, MSFT, AMZN), with mostly slower growers and dividend stocks in the other accounts. Considering both tax consequences and the need to continue having a diversified portfolio, where would YOU take the money from?
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on July 10, 2024
Q: I have a stock that's gone to zero in my TFSA; I assume this is the one my brokerage is referring to when they say "You hold some securities that may be subject to CTO...etc etc.. you may apply to gift each security to TD Direct Investing".
The stock's already been delisted. What do they want with it and how does it help the account holder? In this case, it doesn't help me at all, does it?
Read Answer Asked by Molly on July 08, 2024
Q: Adding on to Julie’s currency questions and your response. I’ve come to understand when contributing US funds into a US TFSA the CRA requires it be recorded in CAD, which I understand means you need to take US funds and buy a US money market, place it in your CAD TSFA and then transfer to your US TSFA and finally sell. I was told not doing so will incur additional currency exchange costs.

Do I have that correct?

Thanks all.
Read Answer Asked by Don on July 02, 2024
Q: My niece is looking to enter the DIY investing world and move her TFSA over to an online self-directed account. Her advisor has her in these high fee accounts above. These look like funds for a retired person looking for income rather than for a 29 year looking to grow a TFSA with the goal to hopefully get a down payment for a condo some day. Could you please give some advice for a beginner investor, ETF's some Canadian and US equities to get her started. She's a bit nervous as all ne DIY investors are. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Nancy on June 25, 2024
Q: My grandchild is turning 20 in the fall and entering the work force, has no knowledge on investing. We are going to get him to start a Tax Free Savings Account with $2,00.00 original investment then encourage him to add $50.00- $100.00/ month there after. Untill he becomes more interested in learning more about investing we are thinking of starting with a dividend paying ETF or fund, any suggestions on a few ETF's or funds
Read Answer Asked by James on June 21, 2024
Q: I am learning to use portfolio analytics (PA). PA provides some guidance that makes a lot of sense from a tax efficient perspective. For example, it recommends to place Canadian dividend payers in unregistered accounts and Canadian and US growth funds into TFSAs. Are there any downfalls to not having each account diversified?
Read Answer Asked by Mary on May 02, 2024
Q: Hello,

General best practice question here on portfolio diversification based on a question asked many years ago.

1. If you were starting fresh with an equity portfolio, how many names would you choose and would they all be equal weight by name? Within that number, would you have a recommendation investing in a set number of ETF's?

2. Would you recommend adding stocks across each of the 10-14 sectors (or prioritize specific ones) and apply the same weight?

3. In terms of tax benefits, would you tend to hold US stock in a TFSA or RRSP? I seem to read conflicting views.
Read Answer Asked by Julie on May 01, 2024
Q: hello 5i:
Regarding the tax treatment of dividends from a US preferred share, held in a TFSA: would there be a 15% withholding tax on the dividend, or is it exempt because its in a TFSA?
Also: if there were a capital gain on the preferred held in the TFSA, would that be exempt from the 15% withholding tax?
Paul L
Read Answer Asked by Paul on April 22, 2024