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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi, just about to start investing in the market with my TFSA, Reading as much as I can. What 5-10 stocks would you suggest to Start my portfolio, looking for Growth and or Dividends. Thanks Shane
Read Answer Asked by Shane on January 28, 2021
Q: I am looking to rebalance my non-registered portfolio, which will mean taking capital gains and transfer to my TFSA. Today, my position is about equal in RY, BMO and CNR.
I would like to reinvest the cash from these capital gains in Tech and Health sectors from 5i's balanced portfolio. I do not have either sector in my TFSA today.
Which of the 3 non-registered stocks would you suggest selling?
What would you recommend buying for TFSA?
Read Answer Asked by George on January 28, 2021
Q: Hi Peter and Team,
I am constructing $40K TFSA account. My time horizon is for 5+ years holding. Can you suggest diversified ETFs and Stocks (US and Canadian) that are a good buy at this time and a have potential to grow in the future.
Read Answer Asked by Yousef on January 22, 2021
Q: Andrew on Jan. 19 asked about over the counter stocks in a TFSA. I recently did this calling iTrade (1 1/2 hour wait time) about IFC being moved to the US side - IFCZ - otc (same company) and the broker said since it is a Canadian stock I could hold it in a TFSA and it would fine -- which I did do. Shortly will sell it and acquire US cash.
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on January 21, 2021
Q: Thanks 5i Team - what an excellent service!! May I have your comments on my TFSA strategy and an ETF recommendation. My TFSA is almost fully funded and divided into 3 notional "buckets". Roughly 1/3 is comprised of growth securities, selected from the 5i Growth Portfolio, with my current positions being KXS, XBC, WELL and LSPD; Roughly 1/3 is comprised of about 10 Canadian "dividend growers", about half of which are among the 5i Balanced Equity or Income Portfolios such as ENB, EIF, PBH, BIP.UN and BEP.UN and the other half well known blue-chips like T, CNR, CNQ and RY; and the final 1/3 is a single, conservative diversified ETF, currently Vanguard Conservative Portfolio VCNS, which I refer to as the "anchor". I prefer to limit the total number of securities to no more than about 20 (I am a few short of that right now) so I can adequately manage things, and I add to VCNS while awaiting opportunities to purchase positions in the other securities I own, or to sell from if cash is needed so I can continue to hold the individual growth and dividend securities. I am looking for reasonable growth in my TFSA over a 5-10 year period, and I can tolerate some risk but prefer to avoid excessive volatility or risk. My questions are: (1) are these 3 roughly 1/3 buckets a sensible approach for reasonable growth over a 5-10 year horizon or would you recommend different weightings or approaches, (2) could you recommend 1 other diversified ETF that I might consider for the "anchor" portion, and (3) could you recommend 2-3 other securities for the growth portion, to add a bit more diversification. Thanks very much.
Read Answer Asked by Brad on January 20, 2021
Q: Hola Peter et al.

My daughter’s TFSA is a mix of growth and stable names. A year or so go I bought TCL.A, expecting a stable company with some growth...but it went the wrong way. Would it make sense to sell TCL and buy LNF or would that be switching one good but slow moving company for a second good but slow moving Co.?

The difference in sector is not relevant and obviously taxes are not a factor.
Many thanks. Robert
Read Answer Asked by Robert on January 15, 2021
Q: Re Nizar's question about using USD as a deposit for TFSA. I did this last year. NEVER again. I use TD WebBroker. I had called for help and told the cash would be converted to Money market funds and deposited in the TFSA. Problem was the conversion was miscalculated and too large for annual deposit. Covid was happening at the time, and TD reduced Help line hours. I had to scramble to send CRA an explanation for the overpayment. It took many weeks calling the Help line before the extra cash was withdrawn.
Read Answer Asked by Elaine or Gerry on January 15, 2021
Q: Good morning Peter, Ryan and Team,

What US companies would you be putting new TSFA money into for 10 year hold? Assume a diversified portfolio and trying to get high growth for TSFAs.

Thank you,


Read Answer Asked by Wes on January 15, 2021
Q: To contribute to TFSA Can we deposit us $ or have TD WATERHOUSE (IN MY CASE)
Convert after depositing in Canadian Dollars?
Other places have better rates than bank in Exchange.
Read Answer Asked by Nizar on January 14, 2021
Q: I am looking to "trim the fat" from my TFSA, which currently holds 20 stocks: ATD, BCE, BMO, BNS, CCO, CM, ENB, FFH, PDYPF, INO.UN, LAS, NXE, NWC, NA, NTR, PEY, PZA, MJJ, TRP, WELL. Are there any positions that raise red flags with you? In addition, could you suggest 3 or 4 value picks suitable for a long-term hold (20 years plus)?
Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Sarah on January 14, 2021
Q: Looking for 3-5 socks to add to my TFSA, your suggestions?
Read Answer Asked by Peter on January 13, 2021
Q: I am a fairly new investor and was wondering your thoughts on when to begin diversifying? I own approximately 15 companies, mostly being TECH and Financial. Recently bought NVDA shares and am looking at U, CRWD and LSPD but not too sure when I should approach other sectors and look at companies like COST or TT for example. I would be targeting my RSP in this approach. (Not sure if that matters)

Also, your must own top 3 US/CND stocks for the next 25+ years for a TFSA?

Thanks for all that you do
Read Answer Asked by Nick on January 13, 2021
Q: Overall I am below the recommended allocations in these sectors: Materials, Consumer Cyclical, Consumer Defensive, Industrials, and Healthcare. I have cash to allocate in my TFSA (about $8600). Which would be the best place(s) to invest now in any of these sectors in the TFSA?
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on January 13, 2021
Q: TFSA: I treat this account as my bank account because I earn no interest in my checking account which typically has fairly high cash balances and I have other investment accounts accounts that generate a ton of dividends as I am basically a "dividend grower" investor. I am retired and earn more than enough to live on. I own these tech. stocks: ETF IGM, ETF ARKK, and NIO ( I guess not a tech stock). I have approx. $35K in my TFSA to invest. I know you like KXS, SHOP & LSPD - I do not see the same returns as has happened this year and they are not value at this point IMHO. ERGO, three or four of your best suggestions going forward - equal weighting please.
Read Answer Asked by James on January 08, 2021
Q: Hello 5i,
I would like to transfer "In-Kind" from my RRSP to my TFSA. I have 4 candidates to consider and wonder which order you would rank them in, Best to Worst. I am down in all but one so have added the percentage loss in case that has any significant weighting in the decision.
AW.UN (-14.95%)
EIF (-4.72%)
SIS (+0.32%)
ZDI (-3.12%)
Since all are monthly dividend payers it is more or less immaterial to me which I move.
Also, in this vein, since I am in no rush to accomplish this, should I wait until any kind of pullback in the equity I choose, or just go ahead at whatever price at any time?
Many thanks for your insight.
Read Answer Asked by Mike on January 08, 2021
Q: Happy New Year 5i!
I recently joined and have been reading as many of these questions as I can get my hands on and appreciate your insight.
I've recently started a TFSA portfolio with a breakdown as follows:
- REI.UN (14%)
- TD (33%)
- FTS (29%)
- HR.UN (3%)
- T (12%)
- SIS (5%)
- ATZ (5%)

I have been attempting to buy into companies and reinvest via DRIP and thus my preliminary focus on dividend companies (with diversity taking a backseat). What are your thoughts on REITs for growth going forward over the next couple years? Are they worthwhile keeping or do you foresee more upside with investment into growth stocks? If so, do you have a top 2 growth stocks that could compliment the rest of the portfolio in lieu of REITs?

Thanks so much!
Read Answer Asked by Kyle on January 08, 2021