Q: Wi-Lan (WIN) appears to be trying to thwart its dropping share price. I assume this is a good thing for holders of the stock? Can you please expand on the method of issue/buyback, i'm confused - Cheers.
Q: DGI-T Data Group. Is the big pop today related to the fact that they did not cut their dividend?
Can DGI hold in close to this price, or it this more likely a temporary position?
Perhaps this is now a real turnaround story?
Q: DDS Wireless (TSX: DD) just reported Q4 which looked outstanding. The stock looks really undervalued. What is your initial opinion on the results and stock value?
Q: ESL just reported first quarter results. This line was included:
Operating expenses increased to $23.0 from $14.9 million in the prior year's first quarter and include incremental operating costs related to acquisitions as well as special charges related to restructuring of acquired operations. Non-cash amortization charges in the quarter were $3.6 million and include amortization charges for acquired software and customer relationships from acquired operations.
Buffett refers to these in his recent letter saying some are not real and it makes sense for the investor to adjust for them. Do you agree? Is this what the company is doing when they show adjusted EBITDA?
In your Sprott days you were a supporter of Sensio Technologies. They have recently signed many contracts with large companies such Disney(yesterday), Starz, and National Geographic to provide streaming 3D content on their new 3DGO service. These events in addition to their patents regarding Auto detect and 2D-3D switches and signing agreements with WiLan to litigate these patents seem to be great. They also have signed with the biggest two TV manufacting companies in China (HiSense and TLC)and Vizio in the States, plus have many agreement with the chip manufacturing companies installing Sensio chips. All of this is extremely positive. However, there seems to be no traction at all with all of the progress that they have made. It actually has been in continuous downward spiral! Is there something fundamentally wrong with their products/services? Who is their closest competitor? Is this just a matter of time?
Q: I think that Research in Motion BBRY is headed for a fall and ultimately a restructuring. Who knows when? Is there a way of shorting a stock on an open basis?
Q: I'm using stock screeners to help me identify potential investments. One name I came across is Comwest Enterprise Corp (CWP). It trades on the Venture exchange, has low volume and is a micro-cap stock. Yet the ROE is lofty and the dividend is north of 5%; can you give us your analysis of it?
Q: Hello Peter and team, I would like to know if you could provide your analysis for a company called Cortex Business Solutions (CBX.X). I really like what they are doing and there model seems to be working.
Your insight would be helpful, thank you!