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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Do you have any opinion on a French company called Ingenico.Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Joseph on January 04, 2013
Q: Wilan appears to be as sell from technical analysis. Are you still recommending it as a hold?
I am currently a dollar per share under water. Is it worth holding onto or bailing out?
Thanks for your help.
David Wain
Read Answer Asked by David on December 31, 2012
Q: Is there a Canadian ETF that includes US tech stocks such as Apple, Microsoft, Google, etc.? If Canadians buy US ETF's, is there not some type of hold back when we sell?
Read Answer Asked by Charles on December 31, 2012
Q: do you have an opinion on Interxion which i believe is INXN-N
Read Answer Asked by lynne on December 30, 2012
Q: Hi Peter - do you have any insight on NII. I've been underwater for what seems like years and wonder if I should just ship and forget about it.
Read Answer Asked by Harry on December 27, 2012
Q: Hi Peter and Team, any thoughts before the markets open tomorrow on RIM, interesting results? Any thoughts on 3Q results and what the CEO had to say today?
Read Answer Asked by Hussein on December 20, 2012
Q: I know that you do not provide much advice on the Junior sector which I hope you expand in the future as I value all your advice. My question is on a Canadian IT Security company - Route 1. Thanks for any info you can provide. I like the product but not the amount of shares outstanding. Jim
Read Answer Asked by William on December 17, 2012
Q: Hi, I have been made aware that rimm will be delisted from the Nasdaq. How would this affect the share price at least in the short term?thx
Read Answer Asked by George on December 16, 2012