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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I must be missing something in this morning's release - can you please explain the sharp decline in Vecima's share price and what it means going forward?

Thank you, John
Read Answer Asked by John on February 12, 2015
Q: Hi

What are yours thoughts on the news releases of Feb. 11, 2015, on TC.

Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Mike on February 12, 2015
Q: Hello Team
Could I get your analysis on this company. It seems to be a dominant player in the GPU sector and poised to get stronger as the car industry ramps up more autonomous features in their cars. It pays a small dividend has a pe of approx 28 and had some good results from its last qtr.
Read Answer Asked by pietro on February 12, 2015
Q: Good morning,

I read an article in the Toronto Star this morning regarding the expected strong growth in robotics (manufacturing etc.) over the next 10 years .Quoting the article, growth quadrupling by year 2025.

Can you please provide two or three of your best ideas in this space from a best risk/reward perspective(either US or Canadian) that would stand to profit the most if these projections come close to fruition.

Read Answer Asked by Thomas on February 11, 2015
Q: I am a new subscriber and I tried to put <Sylogist> in a watchlist and it would seem that the symbol SYZ is unkonwn.

Where does it trade

Read Answer Asked by Laurent on February 06, 2015
Q: Could please advise if you have any insight on Imperus technologies.(lab.v).There are in the hot internet gambling space and the president and board of directors just took part in of financing putting in $500,000.00 and $250,000.00 each.The people they have brought on board have an impressive track record.They also just completed a takeover of a larger private company called Diwip.They seem to be ramping up to get into the mobile space.Looks very promising.
Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Harv on February 06, 2015
Q: Hi folks,please ask your opinion of Q results last night for rkn;EPS of +.02 vs est of +.04 but thought overall was good Q,after big misses Q4 & Q3.Your thoughts going forward and would be buy,sell or hold,thanks as always,jb
Read Answer Asked by John on February 05, 2015
Q: Hi Peter & staff:
In the event of a 25-30% market correction in what order would you rate the above stocks in order of safety? Thank you for all your help.
Ron Noble
Read Answer Asked by ron on February 05, 2015
Q: Greetings,

Been looking for an entry point for QCOM but wondering about the long term impact of the Samsung going with a different chip provider. It looks like the market may have over reacted to one quarter but wanted your opinion here.

Read Answer Asked by kelly on February 03, 2015
Q: Good Morning, I am looking for a Tech stock that has both a dividend and potential for growth. I was looking at C-Com and at first glance it seems to meet my criteria. Could I have your opinion on this stock. If you have any other suggestions I would appreciate your recommendations. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Read Answer Asked by Alan on February 02, 2015
Q: Dear 5i
I am down about 28% with this company but I have only a half position . Is this company worth buying more of at this time or one to avoid investing more into . I have about a 4-5 year time frame .
Read Answer Asked by Bill on February 02, 2015
Q: HiPeter
I know you are high on this stock and guessing you are looking at the big drop as buying opportunity. Other than a few larger caps like CTC,MG,CNQ, I do not buy larger quantities if dividends are under 3%. That is the effective rate now at $8 per share. If the stock went back up to $10 or more,do you anticipate raising dividends to get to that rate or do you believe I will adequately rewarded otherwise(share price appreciation and dividend annually averaging more than a 5% yield on what you call an income stock)
Thanks for all you do
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on February 02, 2015