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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I've held GOOGL for a while in my TFSA and it has performed well for me. I'm concerned about GOOGL being impacted by the FB data issue so I'm looking to sell and replace with something else in the tech sector. Something with good cash flow - maybe a MSFT or ADBE? My other tech holdings consist of full positions in AAPL, CSU, OTEX, and ACN. Any recommendations from the team? Thanks in advance!!
Read Answer Asked by Richard on March 29, 2018
Q: Hi All at 5i! With the tech market taking a bit of a hit and the DPO of Spotify coming out on Tuesday, should I wait to buy some or get in right at the opening bell? I am waffling here because I have never bought IPOs before and have heard that they can start strong, only to lose value within a few day or weeks. Spotify is a DPO, a bit of a different beast. If it were you ( with your cloudy crystal ball handy) how would you handle this?Buy the first day ,wait a while or gradually trickle in? This is for a long term hold and not quick profit. Thank you for your help and have a great long weekend.!

Read Answer Asked by Tamara on March 28, 2018
Q: I am not understanding why NFLX would be caught up in the tech slide. It's more of a media than a tech stock, no? In any case, these large cap techs with high valuations seem to be suffering disproportionately. I am down considerably from the highs but still up nicely on both of these and am seriously considering getting out now. Do you think that would be a mistake?
Read Answer Asked by John on March 28, 2018
Q: If you were me: fully weighted in technology, and had been watching SHOP for quite some time hoping for a pull back entry point, and having owned ENGH for several years, would you sell ENGH to buy SHOP, given that the pull back is "harsh" because of the short report, and that the valuation of ENGH is quite high (40X?). Or sell half and buy half? I am trying to get a sense of the opportunity to buy SHOP ... and not sure how short attacks work, in the short and long term. I know you have said that "shorts" don't give up easily or quickly.
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on March 28, 2018
Q: I am thinking about initiating a position in BB. My thinking is that it is kind of standing alone now in the sense that its business is neither dependent upon chip manufacturing nor on monetizing users data, nor on selling hardware. However it does need to perform. What are your thoughts on the most recent quarter and its prospects in general? Thank-you.
Read Answer Asked by Alex on March 28, 2018
Q: There were a lot of people calling into Jim Kramer (Mad Money) about this market drop - as it is difficult to understand him, he was saying don't average done (basically) wait until the market stabilizes, etc. and when the market does, good stocks (i.e. Fang stocks) would be one of the first to lead the market out of this. There was a rate hike and Trump seemed to be going after a trade war with the Chinese which Kramer seemed to be saying was the cause. Two weeks ago Larry Berman predicted there would be a 20% drop within the next 12 months. How do you see this and what are your recommendations? What is a good ETF for Fang stocks? Thank you Dennis
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on March 23, 2018
Q: Hello team,

Would you kindly give us an update on TDOC? Would you agree that it is an Amazon like company in the healthcare system? Or is that too lofty a description and it may not be able to ramp up its business the same as Amazon has? How is TDOC cash and debt positions now? Do you think that the stock is too expensive? Has the management been shareholder friendly? Are they selling more than buying? Would you think the company would have to dilute shares again to raise money soon? And finally do they have any competitive advantage and can grow organically or do they have to keep buying the competitors?

Would you be a buyer at the current price, after all is said?

Thank you for your great knowledge and assistance!
Read Answer Asked by Saeed on March 23, 2018