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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have these 7 stocks, they comprise about 30% of the equities I own, in part because the their stellar performance in recent months. Two parts to my question: first, though they are all categorized as "tech" ( well, maybe not Goog), I am trying to get a sense of how different they might be from each other so that 30% is better diversified than the label they fall under might suggest? Can you briefly describe the underlying businesses of the 3 Cdn ones and indicate if you see all 7 as diversified. Second, if the stock market should hit another significant pull back (like March or otherwise), would these 7 be resilient enough to avoid major losses, and are some better than others in this regard? Thank you for your excellent service.
Read Answer Asked by Leonard on July 09, 2020
Q: Would it be benefiitial to replace MU for VEEV in a RIF account witch contain GOOGL, ,AYX, DOCU, TEAM, NVDA, ROKU AND IGM as ETF.
Thank you for your exceptional services.
Read Answer Asked by Yves on July 08, 2020
Q: Hi Team. I am so happy that i joined your team 2 years ago i stopped buying those foolish marijuana stocks. After i joined your team i am getting some of my earned money back down 11% in my overall tfsa account.
I hold as tech stocks in my account Lspd, Real, Msft i would like to add a small portion of another tech company. For a 2 year hold which one would you recommend for growth to me between DSG and ENGH. Or would you reccmend another tech stock for good qrowth. Thanks for all the help guy's .
Read Answer Asked by wilson on July 08, 2020