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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Beijing company operating in the holographic cloud sphere. Lots of attention today after recent IPO. Appreciate any comment/views You can provide.
Read Answer Asked by JOHN on July 10, 2020
Q: I have these 7 stocks, they comprise about 30% of the equities I own, in part because the their stellar performance in recent months. Two parts to my question: first, though they are all categorized as "tech" ( well, maybe not Goog), I am trying to get a sense of how different they might be from each other so that 30% is better diversified than the label they fall under might suggest? Can you briefly describe the underlying businesses of the 3 Cdn ones and indicate if you see all 7 as diversified. Second, if the stock market should hit another significant pull back (like March or otherwise), would these 7 be resilient enough to avoid major losses, and are some better than others in this regard? Thank you for your excellent service.
Read Answer Asked by Leonard on July 09, 2020
Q: Would it be benefiitial to replace MU for VEEV in a RIF account witch contain GOOGL, ,AYX, DOCU, TEAM, NVDA, ROKU AND IGM as ETF.
Thank you for your exceptional services.
Read Answer Asked by Yves on July 08, 2020