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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello gentleman and thanks for your wonderful service as always. I'm wondering if you can point me in the direction of your preferred ETF's for the tech industry and the pharma industry.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on September 18, 2020
Q: Hello Peter, Ryan, and Team,

Can I please get your current thoughts on Acuity Ads and its recent run-up. There's a lot of chatter about it being the next Trade Desk and the share price has more than tripled since I sold my small position in March. Do you think the price rally has room to run, or is this not worth chasing at this point?
As we all know, you win some and you lose some. Fortunately, my shares in Digital Apps have skyrocketed of late, but I can't find any news that directly substantiates the dramatic SP increase. Time to take some off the table or "let the winners run"? Thanks for your insights.


Read Answer Asked by Bradley on September 18, 2020
Q: If one were to take a position in SNOW, is this as good a place as any to jump in? ... around $230ish or should one wait for the steam to settle?

I read your other response, and have done a bit of due diligence, but quite frankly I'm "lost in the clouds" when it comes to these mega-techs. I know that they take a life all their own, valuations be damned, it seems and such stocks become runaways before the valuation catches up.

Would it be worth a full/half/quarter position in a well diversified portfolio. This is my "looking at the future" stock.
Read Answer Asked by Sylvia on September 17, 2020
Q: Hello 5i team,
I'm looking for small companies in the Science & Technology field.
Could you give me names in the Health/Bio/Med sector: 3 in US, 3 in Canada
Ditto in Tech/Soft/Serv?
Thanks and keep well
Read Answer Asked by Antoine on September 17, 2020
Q: Hi,
I'd like to know how you would view debentures on SHOP, how the balance sheet is holding up and where the estimates for revenues going forward are. I am concerned about today's drop and whether or not it is worth holding, or ditching prior to the announcement regarding price for the secondary issue and debentures. Is there anything about SHOP I am missing here? I'm kind of curious as to why it has experienced a 22% decline in the last 3 to 4 weeks, when the tech sector in Canada is down just over 11% in comparison - does this indicate SHOP is falling out of favour compared to its peers? I noticed that in the US, ETSY has had a similar drop, but AMZN, EBAY are less. I had been under the impression that with SHOP's recent work with WMT and many small businesses moving online recently any pullbacks would be less, but maybe SHOP is just that volatile? As always I appreciate any thoughts or comments you have.
Read Answer Asked by Dawn on September 17, 2020
Q: I have held a position in OTEX for some time, and have a moderate gain, but I was wondering if it would be prudent to swap out my OTEX for CSU. I have losses against which I can neutralize my gain, so tax implications are not a prominent factor. Both are good companies, with the reputation of CSU being quite extraordinary. I have decent exposure to technology, and I don't feel that simply adding to it by purchasing CSU through selling off an investment in another category would be as prudent as keeping within my current allocations. I would appreciate any thoughts you could share with me. Thanks so much!
Read Answer Asked by Domenic on September 16, 2020
Q: Two part question about CSU: some time ago there was an announcement of a transaction where a company acquired by CSU would be "spun out" to CSU shareholders. Can you provide details of what is to happen? when is it to happen? do you expect CSU's share price to decrease as a result? What tax consequence will there be to CSU shareholders?
Secondly, I recently read the following:
"Our Strong Sell is based on our conviction that it
is difficult to create shareholder value by
continuing to add shrinking legacy software
businesses to 100’s of other shrinking legacy
software businesses. With organic topline
contraction and fading operating leverage, we
see CSU’s “never-ending roll-up” finally hitting
hard limits. In our view, CSU is too reliant on the
assumption of customer stickiness for legacy
apps with expensive support contracts in
dozens of niche/vertical markets. We see these
apps increasingly dislodged by less expensive,
more inherently agile, cloud alternatives. A
Covid-19-driven economic downturn would
likely intensify this competition, as it is our
experience that, rather than preserving the
status quo, tough times drive customers to
overcome inertia and accelerate paradigm
shifts in enterprise IT."
What is your assessment of this?
Thank you for your excellent service.
Read Answer Asked by Leonard on September 15, 2020
Q: I currently own GIB.A. While I’ve been not unhappy with the company I’m wondering what your thoughts would be on switching to Microsoft. Would there be a similar potential for gain and a reduced risk level while owning a much larger company?
Thank you for your fantastic service.
Read Answer Asked by Mike on September 15, 2020
Q: I am looking to add to my Tech Sector - I currently have AAPL, MSFT, CSCO ( in RRSP ) and OTEX - I am thinking about buying some GOOG ( in our TFSA accounts ) to complement the above - would that be something you would do OR would you add to the existing positions. Appreciate you comment.
Read Answer Asked by JOHN on September 15, 2020