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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I hold small positions in these stocks and held these stocks for some time. All held in TFSA. Wondering should I sell some and increase my positions in just one or two. Such as CSU and or OTEX. or just continue holding all of them. Your thoughts.
Read Answer Asked by David on November 24, 2022
Q: You mentioned in a recent answer that you did not like the price action on CTS. Does the strategic review change anything ? I am up about 10% on my holdings (recent purchase) and happy to cash out and take the money and run's been a brutal year !!!! My cost base is $ 4.45 and shares are now at $ 4.91. Or would you recommend holding until we get more clarity into the review ??
Read Answer Asked by Randy on November 23, 2022
Q: My portfolio could use some more tech. Would you being buying now or would you be waiting? And which stocks would you be leaning to if buying right now? 3 CAD and 3 US stocks would be appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Neil on November 23, 2022
Q: What options would you consider, as a moderate risk-tolerant investor for maximum return on an unexpected $40K windfall? This would be for at least a 2-3 year period in a non-registered account. Interest-paying vehicles are not preferred. Please provide your preferred strategy, specific names, and reasons.

Thanks so much for the invaluable service provided by 5i.
Read Answer Asked by Alvin on November 22, 2022
Q: Hi Team,
You now recommend selling Lspd . I am down 40% on the name. What stock should I then replace it with with the highest probability of getting my investment back? Would a switch into Shop be wise? Currently they seem to trade fairly equivalent. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Shane on November 22, 2022