Q: Hi
I am presently watching and considering adding these two stocks. I understand from past comments that they are considered to be the better ones. Could you give an explanation of why you consider these relatively safer. Thanks for your valuable guidance.
Q: Of the CDR’s listed on the NEO exchange what would be your top two picks, regardless of sector, for total return over the long term (at least 5-10 years) for a TFSA of a 25 year old? Thanks.
Q: I hold small positions in these stocks and held these stocks for some time. All held in TFSA. Wondering should I sell some and increase my positions in just one or two. Such as CSU and or OTEX. or just continue holding all of them. Your thoughts.
Q: CTS seems to have settled below $5 on the news of a strategic review. CIBC comments that it will likely be some kind of private equity buyer. Do you think it is attractive to jump in below $5 here to play the acquisition? Thanks.
Q: Peter; Just a question - is the announcement yesterday re the strategic review considered a “ material event”? I happened to see an insider bought 40,000 shares yesterday . Thanks
Q: You mentioned in a recent answer that you did not like the price action on CTS. Does the strategic review change anything ? I am up about 10% on my holdings (recent purchase) and happy to cash out and take the money and run ...it's been a brutal year !!!! My cost base is $ 4.45 and shares are now at $ 4.91. Or would you recommend holding until we get more clarity into the review ??
Q: My portfolio could use some more tech. Would you being buying now or would you be waiting? And which stocks would you be leaning to if buying right now? 3 CAD and 3 US stocks would be appreciated.
Q: What options would you consider, as a moderate risk-tolerant investor for maximum return on an unexpected $40K windfall? This would be for at least a 2-3 year period in a non-registered account. Interest-paying vehicles are not preferred. Please provide your preferred strategy, specific names, and reasons.
Thanks so much for the invaluable service provided by 5i.
Q: Hi Team,
You now recommend selling Lspd . I am down 40% on the name. What stock should I then replace it with with the highest probability of getting my investment back? Would a switch into Shop be wise? Currently they seem to trade fairly equivalent. Thanks
Q: There has been recent insider buying and alot previously at a higher price. Also they are buying back shares. Are these two reasons good enough to buy shares with some comfort.