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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I currently have the following positions in the "FAANG" stocks: GOOGL (5%), MSFT and META (each less than 2%), AAPL (less than 1%).

Not interested in NFLX since I already have positions in DIS and ROKU, but I'm open to AMZN (although I have a small position in SHOP, less than 2%).

I want to reduce the number of stocks I own, so I'm looking to consolidate my FAANG positions. In what order would you rank the FAANG stocks at today's prices for potential future returns?

I have a long time horizon (decades) and a very diversified portfolio, so not worried about short-term declines in share price.
Read Answer Asked by Patrick on January 03, 2023
Q: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year all at 5i
This is another crystal ball question. I have a sizable loss on Shopify and today is the last day to claim it for this year. I am caught in the headlights a bit, though, thinking that January could be a very good month for stocks and that i would be better to wait until towards the end of January. What kind of chances do you give it for rising a lot in January?
Read Answer Asked by joseph on December 28, 2022
Q: Hi 5i,
I’m working through an audit of my technology positions for year end. Would you rate each position as a buy, sell or hold for your own portfolio today?

Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Greg on December 22, 2022
Q: Is there a chance that companies like NVEI, APPS, NVDA etc can lose up to 50% of their value with an upcoming recession. Im hoping you will answer unlikely as there is an inflection point where stocks have been beaten up so bad it would start getting ridiculous.

Thanks Steve
Read Answer Asked by Steve on December 22, 2022
Q: Retired conservative investor whose only tech holding is HTA ( 5% total portfolio). Looking at either CSU or Shopify as next purchase. Which of these would you prefer to “ dip your toe “ further into the tech sector ? Also, is my weighting of HTA appropriate ? Thanks. Derek.
Read Answer Asked by Derek on December 22, 2022
Q: Tough question for sure, but disregarding other personal factors (eg, diversification etc), if you could buy 3 Cdn stocks and 3 US stocks given YOUR assessment of the investment/economic landscape, what would they be? Let's say the only parameter is performance over the next 12 months.
Read Answer Asked by Doug on December 22, 2022
Q: I hold the above within a RRIF. In total they are now worth $49K cost was $64K, current income approx $2K.

What do you think about selling them all and reinvesting in AAPL, MSFT, BRK and AMZN. Any alternatives you can suggest. I don't mind forgoing the income.
Read Answer Asked by Nigel on December 20, 2022
Q: What is your opinion of Shopify as a worthwhile investment? Quite a drop in price over the last year from $180 to $48. What did they do wrong or is it a tech market pricing issue? Are they well managed - is their future positive? Recently watched Brian Madden of First Avenue on BNN he was very positive on this company.
Read Answer Asked by Reg on December 20, 2022
Q: DND is up 16% currently. After its repurchase of shares do you anticipate the share price will drop back to 11.50 or will it sustain its gain.

Not trying to ask you to be a fortune teller but just share your experience with what has happened to other company share prices in this instance.

want to know if I should take advantage of this jump in price.

Read Answer Asked by Sheldon on December 19, 2022