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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Every broker has issues, and Interactive Brokers has many. Given they also charge a commission and there are now multiple choices among Canadian Brokers for zero commission, including a bonus for transferring, I’ve finally moved my acct. Also the founder of Interactive Brokers is a very wealthy Trump supporter, so there's that as well.

Could I get your thoughts on DUOL’s earnings? As well as company potential? Is the current share price drop more market related?
Read Answer Asked by Mark on March 05, 2025
Q: I found a couple of stocks that I would like to put on my watch list. First is Sentinel One Inc. . It had a quarterly report not to long a go. The stock seemed to have a good report and the market seem to approve the quarterly report, but then sold off and has been going downward. Can you tell me what you know about this company, and the reason it went down in value.
Second stock is Five 9, it too seemed to have a good quarterly report and now is selling off. Again if you can elaborate on this company. With both of these stocks are they a buy, sell, to hold.
The other thing I should note, I was thinking of buying them for a trade not a long term hold.

Thank You very much for you good service, I'll await your reply.

Read Answer Asked by Earl on March 04, 2025
Q: Hi 5i, and would welcome your review of the recent Quarterly results from Sprout Social, and whether you would consider it as a buy/ hold/ or sell. Do you see any red flags or concerns and the merits as a long-term hold and any competitive advantage that they may hold in the space they operate in? Thanks kindly.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on March 04, 2025
Q: Greetings 5i, you have been rating Etsy as a HOLD for some time now, may we please have your updated analysis based on FY2024 results? Profitable, still repurchasing shares, but low growth and can't seem to get any traction, plus headwinds in the current environment. Do you agree? If this is a sell (I would be able to use the loss) would you buy it back in future? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Barbara on March 03, 2025
Q: Hi there. Can you comment what the impact of GOOG, MFST and AMZN and their creation of their own Quantum chips is on companies like RGTI and IONQ? Are RGTI and IONQ trying to do the same things as the bigger companies but from a weaker position or are they complimentary or poised to benefit from innovations of these larger companies? Obviously RGTI trying to beat GOOG at R&D if they are racing the same race seems like a long shot.
Read Answer Asked by Tim on March 03, 2025