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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: could you provide 5 or which ever number you prefer of your 2024 favorite picks
small caps, microcaps, and if possible favorite sectors.
please consider this 10 questions 5 for each on caps.
thanks for your continued excellent service. greatly appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by howard on December 19, 2023
Q: NRIX Your comments on the prospects of this company will be appreciated.


Read Answer Asked by Thomas on December 19, 2023
Q: I still have my small position in Lucara Diamonds and it still a diaster. CEO was replaced a couple of months ago and the former CEO came back. Under the former CEO Lucara made an agreement with an Antwerp gem polisher (HB)where they would send there large special diamons, which the Karowe mine in Botswara often find, to HB for polsihing and cutting. Lucara would then get cash flow from the finished products, (potentially higher margin and more steady cash flow). Well the new CEO wants to end that agreement. The open pit mine is still profitable but the development of the under ground mine has hit snags (namely water filtration in the raised shafts) and the finish date has been pushed back another year. What 5i could help me with is a better understanding of the outlook for diamond prices. Every where I look for on outlook on diamond pricing requires a subscription and my position is simply too small to warrant paying a subscription. In the end, should I just dump this dud or hang on a while longer (It is in a TFSA so no tax benefit.)?
Read Answer Asked by Paul on December 19, 2023
Q: Questor QST is at 52 week lows and still can't seem to get an traction with their sales or rental of equipment that burns waste methane emissions. The CEO was ousted and then quickly reinstated. I understand that she got a termination settlement and then a signing bonus when she came back. If so is true then the BOD is really a bunch of clowns posing as buiness people. The auditor has also been switched, Does this happen oftem? I still have a small holding in this loser company. I don't think I will sell before 2024 in case tax loss selling is driving the the share price even lower, but I think it is time to run from this dog of a stock. 5i used to kind of like this company. What is your opinion now?
Read Answer Asked by Paul on December 19, 2023
Q: I am looking for a US small cap ETF that is hedged to the CAD. I have been looking at XSU. Fundata in the globe and mail indicates that it follows the Dow Jones US small cap RT index but has been doing worse the this index. My questions are:
1) Do all small caps follow the Dow Jones US small cap RT index?
2) what is your impression of XSU?
3) is there another US small cap ETF that you would recommend?
Read Answer Asked by Mary on December 18, 2023
Q: BRE had what looks like a positive announcement today - market reaction is mixed - this is a small company; no dividend growth buy high yield over many years. I have a small allocation in my portfolio just to give my overall yield a bit of a boost. Do you like the deal announced today? Is it a ‘safer’ company ad a result of this deal?
Read Answer Asked by Mark on December 18, 2023
Q: Small caps have lagged the market. What are your top 5 Small Cap Canadian Names and top 5 US Small Cap names? Could you also indicate good entry points. Please deduct appropriate credits.

Read Answer Asked by Timothy on December 18, 2023
Q: Greetings:
It has been considerable time since a question has been asked about Timbercreek Financial, formerly Timbercreek Mortgage Investment Corporation. Interest rate now almost 10%-- Was higher in Oct, 23 when price fell badly. I have owned it for years. Apparently they are finishing settling a big bad loan- I have no idea how much they lost and would like to know. Could you please provide as much info about this MIC as possible. Would you buy more or sell? I believe it is back on the road to recovery, or would you buy something like Atrium. or sell both.

Thanks very much for your speedy replies. Wonderful.
Read Answer Asked by BEN on December 18, 2023
Q: Can you comment on EDR, OSK, LGO, I noticed these 3 stocks have not gone up lately while other silver, gold and materials stocks have risen. What is their cash positions and cash flow? Do any of the 3 need financing soon? Thanks, and deduct whatever credits you feel is appropriate.
Read Answer Asked by Roy on December 18, 2023