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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: For some time 5i (and others) have noted that small cap valuations are low on a historic basis, and I also believe that you have commented that small caps often lead in a market turnaround? I really like a good "reversion to the mean" play, but what are the conditions for that to happen? I have to think inflation and higher interest rates are disproportionate headwinds for smaller companies vs large caps. What should one look for before buying a small cap ETF, or just forget the timing and figure you'll be happy in a few years one way or another? Thanks for your thoughts.
Read Answer Asked by Stephen R. on October 19, 2023
Q: A little while ago a member asked about gold and these 3 companies were mentioned by you as potential to purchase. Comparing the 3, it seems that BTO is quite a bit more attractive....a good yield at 5 % (AGI is less than 1% and KRR is nil); BTO has about 1/2 the P / E and somewhat better P / B. Can you elaborate why the other 2 could be considered over BTO . Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Leonard on October 19, 2023
Q: Hello 5i,

Krr may have reported recently? What is your take on their progress? It seems that share count has gone up and margins worsened over the period. Revenue seems to be growing but earnings seem to be getting worse. Or is the company's more positive spin a better reflection of KRR's prospects? What are their all in costs of production. Is this improving? Is the management inexperienced? Hold or Sell?
Read Answer Asked by Kat on October 16, 2023
Q: I believe in the products of these two companies but either management has executed poorly or their products are ahead of their time. Once the tax loss season starts, it may be possible to pick them up at even lower prices; however, the risk of going bankrupt also looms in their future. Can management turn these companies around? What is the risk that these two companies go bankrupt before demand for their product increases?
Read Answer Asked by Brendon on October 12, 2023
Q: You could have bought this stock anytime in the last 10 years for around $5.50 dollars, its now roughly a 10 banger, don't you feel the opportunity has past. ?
Its a smallish company with very choppy earnings , so any big misses and the stock will get hammered like many others in the growth portfolio.
For a double the stock has to get to around $100. In your view you must be looking at it getting to $200 or $300 to make enough money to garner the risk, considering its long history of being in the doldrums.
Thanks Gord
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on October 12, 2023
Q: Hi 5i,
I understand each investor has their own idea of risk but I would be interested in getting your thoughts. In regards to small caps stocks I believe I choose quality at an attractive price with a plan to hold forever (of course they don't always work out and I may eventually sell them). I struggle with whether to buy them in my TFSA and/or NonReg account. TFSA is great if the stock appreciates dramatically and the NonReg is great if I pick a loser and I sell it for a capital loss. Can you perhaps provide some words of wisdom how one can approach this dilemma. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Ian on October 11, 2023
Q: Hi 5i Team - Since going public in March of this year SolarBank Corporation's stock price has risen dramatically. Do you think the fundamentals support this or has it perhaps gone too far too quickly. In other words is it best to wait for it to settle down if considering buying. Also do you have any info on insider ownership/trading. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Rob on October 11, 2023