Q: Hi 5i, Can i please have your opinion on terra firma cap. {tii}. Thanks.
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Investment Q&A
Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.
Q: Would you mind sharing your throughts on the TWD Q2 Financials, along with the seemingly odd market Cap comparison betweed TWD OGI and BED?
Q: Hello Peter and team what are your current views on ORT the stock has had a large drop in price recently
Thanks John
Thanks John
Q: Athabasca Minerals
Could I have your opinion on it's current stock price now that the frac sand permit has been granted?
Could I have your opinion on it's current stock price now that the frac sand permit has been granted?
Q: Team,
Can I get your opinion on MCR's results please.
Obviously the headline numbers are a huge miss (and the market is punishing it accordingly). I would have thought the losses in their fixed contract fiasco, and subsequent impact on margins, was already priced into the stock, but I guess not. They claim to be moving away from fixed contracts moving forward. They keep referring to that contract as a 'strategic contract' (I assume that means they were trying to buy a relationship by under cutting their competition...), do you see this bearing fruits by way of future (non fixed) contracts moving forward?
I purchased a very small position earlier in the year, and have averaged down a couple of times (I own MCR and E as my small cap exposure to energy infrastructure). MCR is still a small position in my portfolio, maybe I love punishment, but the market cap is now only $100MM, It almost makes that much revenue every year, assuming they can fix the structure of their contracts and win a couple bids, it seems like it has nowhere to go but up??!?… of course, I’ve thought that for some time now. I don’t like holding positions under a 1% weight in my portfolio so I feel like I should either cut it or add a little bit more? I’m fairly patient, but don’t want to keep throwing money behind a sinking ship either.
Can I get your opinion on MCR's results please.
Obviously the headline numbers are a huge miss (and the market is punishing it accordingly). I would have thought the losses in their fixed contract fiasco, and subsequent impact on margins, was already priced into the stock, but I guess not. They claim to be moving away from fixed contracts moving forward. They keep referring to that contract as a 'strategic contract' (I assume that means they were trying to buy a relationship by under cutting their competition...), do you see this bearing fruits by way of future (non fixed) contracts moving forward?
I purchased a very small position earlier in the year, and have averaged down a couple of times (I own MCR and E as my small cap exposure to energy infrastructure). MCR is still a small position in my portfolio, maybe I love punishment, but the market cap is now only $100MM, It almost makes that much revenue every year, assuming they can fix the structure of their contracts and win a couple bids, it seems like it has nowhere to go but up??!?… of course, I’ve thought that for some time now. I don’t like holding positions under a 1% weight in my portfolio so I feel like I should either cut it or add a little bit more? I’m fairly patient, but don’t want to keep throwing money behind a sinking ship either.
Q: Hi 5i team, The recent run-up in the shares of WIN. Is it a result of: (1) a change in the market's sentiment toward the company and is therefore broadly based or (2) a few big investors including maybe hedge-funds buying for a fast flip or (3) someone buying a stake for a bid or for activist influence? Afterall, the stock was at $8 plus when the company's situation was't that different from now. Thanks as always. Henry
Q: Hi: your comments on LOY results today. They look very strong but the market is not impressed. A decent higher risk buy here?
Q: HI Team, can you please give me your thoughts on Questor's report on the 28th?
Q: Would you please help me understand the trading volume for Petrowest? The average volume is over 8 million and yet in the last few trading sessions the volume has been extremely low.
Thanks so much
Thanks so much
Q: Espial group (ESP) Any reason for the big drop in ESP today? Would it have anything to do with the Rogers and Shaw deal? Thanks
Q: Please give me your medium term outlook on Cargojet (CJT-T)and in particular, the capital cost for the new infrastructure at the Hamilton, ON distribution centre that is proposed. I am somewhat concerned that the company has only a few clients and may not have the diversified client base that a FEDEX has.
Q: Hi Peter and Team, regarding Pinecrest, PRY, can you tell me when they report next? Also, any sign's of insider/management buying, or selling this year? Thanks!
Q: Hi 5i,
What are your thoughts on Engagement Labs (EL-V)?
It was recommended to me buy a newsletter writer. Just wondering what your thoughts were on the Company and its prospects.
What are your thoughts on Engagement Labs (EL-V)?
It was recommended to me buy a newsletter writer. Just wondering what your thoughts were on the Company and its prospects.
Q: Can you provide any info on NGM ? It appears to be a lottery ticket but an insider is buying a lot of stock. Do you know any of the management team and what are some reasons an insider would put big money into this ? Thanx Robbie
Q: Soon we will be drawing on investment income for retirement and note Ryan's 'Dividend growers with room to run" article. Calian Technologies[CTY] is of interest and we are wondering your thoughts on this company as a small long term investment.
Many thanks, Len
Many thanks, Len
Q: Good Morning Peter, Ryan, and Team,
Great blog regarding Tim Hortons / Burger King. Very informative and well written.
At this point in time what companies would comprise your top five growth names (in order of conviction) for inclusion into an TFSA Account ??? Holding period of a minimum of 3-5 years and they would be added to complement slower growing, "safer" holdings. (i.e. BAM.A, BNS, CGX, etc.)
Thank you very much. DL
Great blog regarding Tim Hortons / Burger King. Very informative and well written.
At this point in time what companies would comprise your top five growth names (in order of conviction) for inclusion into an TFSA Account ??? Holding period of a minimum of 3-5 years and they would be added to complement slower growing, "safer" holdings. (i.e. BAM.A, BNS, CGX, etc.)
Thank you very much. DL
Q: Do you see potential in Centric Health (CHH)? It had a good quarter and some insider buys or caution is advised. Your insight is greatly appreciated, Peter
Q: Petrowest prw: two acquisitions announced. Good acquisitions in your view? Expect it to be positively accretive to earnings down the road?
Q: Please give me an up date on Enw I am frustrated with the company. thank you
Q: Hello All, can I please have updated comments on DM…down huge!