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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have a few small and midcap Canadian stocks which are down 20-30% since Covid hit. Well Health is an example. I’ve been thinking of trimming at a loss to put the funds into something performing better today. I still have confidence in companies such as Well Health and am in no hurry to trim. I understand each stock is down due to a range of different factors but the underlying theme might be capital flight from smaller growth companies. My question is what might be the impact on small and midcap Canadian stocks if the BofC lowers rates June 5 and again in the next few months. Is this enough of a spark to see these stocks see any kind of recovery in the next 12 months?
Thanks for your wisdom in helping me better understand the macro forces at play.
Read Answer Asked by Warren on May 28, 2024
Q: Greetings 5i,

My portfolio is well established with many blue chips and large cap tech companies. However, I keep a small seperate portfolio for interesting "moonshots" and I recently I took a small intial position in OKLO, small nuclear reactors, for a 5-10 year hold.

What are 5is houghts on OKLO?

What is Sam Altmans involvement?


SEC FILING for OKLO STATES ".... Peter Thiel are the members of the investment committee established by Mithril II GP".

What is Thiel's involvement?

Thanks for the help over the years :-)

Read Answer Asked by Duane on May 28, 2024
Q: We are very disappointed in Decisive Dividend. I bought it in the $8 range and it performed beautifully to well over $11 so I had a really nice capital gain but was too stupid to take the gain while I could. I am used to buy and hold forever stocks so not am used to ones that need to be traded. Now drifting lower and lower. What happened? I believe it has lots of cash available and I expected it to keep growing. Your suggestion please... just sell and take the small loss or keep it in hopes of the price going up again.
Thank you............ Paul K
Read Answer Asked by Paul on May 27, 2024
Q: Hi, All these companies are on 5i's recommended list and have been added to Growth portfolio, in the recent past and have done well. Kudos to your Portfolio Team !!!

If the Balanced Portfolio had Cash available and room to add to Industrial/Material sector, which one/ones of these will qualify and be your choice ?

Also, if one owns all above companies, in small positions, in what order would you add, based on their respective valuations, presently and why ?

Thank You

Read Answer Asked by rajeev on May 23, 2024
Q: Hi team,

Very much appreciated your solid reply to Brant this morning. I am sure most members are happy the way you run your site.

Grateful if you could provide, in order, your favorite U.S smaller caps for strong growth, indicating the level of risk of each in your view.

Take credits as you see fit.

Thanks again for the outstanding work,

Jacques IDS
Read Answer Asked by Jacques on May 23, 2024