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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I know it is way to small for you guys, but is it possible to get an opinion about future potential for EUO Eurocontrol.
One of the largest players in that sector SICPA now owns 12.4%. They are doing a share buy back up to 10% of the companies estimated public float , and insiders have decent positions

Read Answer Asked by David on August 05, 2016
Q: You guys do an amazing job and I really enjoyed your appearance on BNN recently Peter. QHR has had a big run up lately and has been hitting all time highs. Any reason for the recent gains? I have not been able to find any news. I know they are reporting in the next week or two, and is this just market anticipation for a good quarter? Will the stock tank if they disappoint vs. expectations or are you comfortable with adding more today? QHR is currently 3% of my portfolio. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Bill on August 05, 2016
Q: Hi Guys,

The latest financials came out as fairly decent however CXV has now lost another member of senior management. What do you make of all the uncertainty that follows this company in terms of leadership? I am well underwater in this company and would like to know what your thoughts are regarding continuing to hold this stock? Is it worth the wait or should I pursue other opportunities?

Read Answer Asked by Joel on August 04, 2016
Q: The company seems to be overpriced as they are still losing cash. They have many competitors in all their sectors. Also, IMAX just closed a huge deal with China's biggest cinema operator committing to 150 IMAX screens, which reduces available space for potential D-BOX screens. As mass market adoption of virtual reality isn't yet a sure thing, would it be safe to sell this stock and rebuy it when on a big pull back? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Sam on August 03, 2016
Q: I am just curious about a lawsuit against becker about one of their properties in Listowel, Ontario. They are mentioned as co-defendant. Becker completed a very expensive environmental assessment of all their properties a few years ago and nothing significant was found. Becker has been for sale for a few years and do you see any roadblocks to a sale based on this lawsuit and how significant this lawsuit to any potential buyers? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by David on August 02, 2016