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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have the listed companies in my TFSA($60k). I haven't been too concerned with portfolio weightings due to the portfolio size and have let the winners run. As a result close to 50% of the portfolio is held in just 2 stocks (CCL.B and CRH) I have nice gains in the others except DBOX and SYLOGIST which are both flat and I have considered switching out. Two questions I have are 1. Do you think it is a prudent strategy to stay this course or would you rebalance keeping in mind these weightings are not that out of whack when you consider my other portfolios? 2. What name(s) would you consider adding to this mix for my 2017 contribution of $5500.

Thank you and Merry Christmas to the entire 5i staff for your outstanding service.
Read Answer Asked by Marty on December 28, 2016
Q: Hello 5i,

I'm considering PLS for my TFSA as I have no materials exposure. Currently holding Boyd, Enghouse, Spin Master, Premium Brands. I know this is speculative, but in light of potential infrastructure spend in the U.S., possible lower CAD and a stock that seems oversold, in your opinion is it worth the investment or would you have a better recommendation.

Read Answer Asked by Greg on December 28, 2016
Q: Peter and team

I am looking to add some growth potential (along with acknowledged risk) to an otherwise fairly balanced portfolio.
Sector allocation aside, could you please comment on CRH, ITC, and PHO with regard to current valuation, potential growth, risk, and order of preference in the current market.

Thank you for a great service.

Read Answer Asked by Phil on December 28, 2016
Q: I have been following this company for the last six months. I'm putting some faith in the fact that Keith Neumeyer (FR,FM) should know how to develop the assets. I like the fact that they picked up assets in a depressed market, and sell or strike production deal when the commodity is higher and sit on it in the meantime. However, like storage wars no one really knows what's behind garage door or in this case under the ground. To that end the press release of December 1st speaks to drilling results of the various projects being released in early 2017. My question is: do they not have an obligation to release material findings as soon as they have it? My other question is on the strong volume last Friday of 50 Million shares being traded, about 30x the average daily volume. Does that indicate anything? Would a large buyer normally average in?
Read Answer Asked by Steve on December 22, 2016
Q: So, PTG just did a share consolidation. If I have this right, in the process they whacked their dividend by about 75%! Am I correct in this? I did not find anything on the net adding this rather pertinent piece of information- if I am correct.

Does any of this suggest much better performance or should I just get rid of it .... and buy SHOP?

Thanks. And once again .... very Merry Christmas to the 5I Team.

BTW- in typical classy 5i style I admire your initiative with the year end questionnaire.

No wonder 5i is So Great!!!
Read Answer Asked by Donald on December 22, 2016
Q: Hello 5i
Have allowed MAW150 to become a heavy weighting in Portfolio.
Are you able to comment on potential sources for its lack of performance through 2016? I am a little surprised to be down on the year.
A recent article on MAWER indicated they have likely run out of good investment ideas and their previous choices have run out of juice.(Top award winners in Mutual Funds regressing to moderate performance)

Would you just let them do what they are paid to do (MER= 1.74%) or would you choose to reduce (MAW150: 74% International allocation-Oct 31) by shifting capital to US oriented ETF - XMC?

Portfolio Geographic allocation for International vs USA are about equal currently.

If something else comes to mind as you consider this questions please feel free to add.


Read Answer Asked by David on December 20, 2016