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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: This week EcoSynthetix got its first commercial client for its Durabind adhesive and its share price increased accordingly. Have you any feel for where the share price might go as EcoSynthetix adds more customers, i.e.; do you think the present share price represents a top until the market sees how the new business is affecting the bottom line? Is this a good time to be adding more shares?
Read Answer Asked by richard on October 03, 2016
Q: Good afternoon 5i,

I am wondering what your thoughts are on Logistec. It has come down significant as of late, and looks attractive, to me at least. If my memory serves me well, Mr Hodson has previously given this company a strong endorsement.

Is it a buy at this level, what is its long term outlook. How much insider ownership?

Many thanks,

Read Answer Asked by Karim on October 03, 2016
Q: Hello.
Thanks for the ongoing investing commentary.
Given the results I have experienced with a few individual investments over the past 8 months, it is clear I either do not have time to keep up with small cap growth stocks' activity, do not know how to make buy sell decisions, do not have the stomach for the ride or just completely outside my sphere of investor ability. In reviewing my experience with buy sell of Phm, I was up 8000 and ended up selling at loss of 6000. Ad recently up 7000 and end d up selling for 3000 loss. Painfully sitting on a 35,000 loss in Cxr.....largest loss ever in 16 years of direct investing. Can not make money this way. Clearly I should be handing over small company decision making to someone else.

The question.......what Canadian and USA mutual fund or strategy would you have me consider to help capture some of the growth available through small company / special opportunities investing ........ Without being directly involved with the buy sell decision?

I am okay with long term but long term with current results will land me in the poor house.

Appreciate your thoughts on this topic.

I already own Mawer global small and global mutual funds but they are not invested like 5i portfolio
Read Answer Asked by David on September 26, 2016
Q: Hello,

I used to follow Parkit about 3 years ago and always thought the story was good. I have noticed in almost every city I have been in a lack of parking and an increase of price. Now that the board disagreements seem to be settled and a few new exec`s have been hired - could you offer comment here? Looks like the new CEO is a heavy hitter in the space. Given it's size (sub 10mln mkt cap) I understand all the risks, more just looking for your take.



Read Answer Asked by Jim on September 22, 2016
Q: I invested in a 'Global Small Cap' fund about 18 years ago. Incredibly, my return AFTER 18 YEARS is NEGATIVE 16%! (I guess this is lesson in the effects of both high mutual fund MERs and picking a lousy fund company!) Can you please suggest an ETF that would be good for the 'global small cap' space. Or another 'small cap' ETF or strategy, if you don't think a global small cap ETF is the way to go. Thank you!!
Read Answer Asked by James on September 21, 2016