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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: My shares of Brick Brewing have shown good gains since I bought them about half a year ago. Am just wondering what your latest thoughts are on this company: revenue, earnings, cash flow, debt, momentum, potential upside and downside. Since we are moving away from the summer season into the winter season do you feel that sales will drop enough to put downward pressure on the stock. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Rob on November 02, 2016
Q: I have been following and learning about this sector.

Canopy Growth with the announcement of rapper Snoop Dog's involvement was part of the reason for CGC's price rise a few weeks ago. CGC-TSX is listed on the TSX in Canada and on the U.S. as TWMJF-OTC.

Per Health Canada's website there are 36 Marijuana licensed companies in Canada. Not all are licensed to sell as some can only produce, and not all are public companies.

CGC-tsx, TWMJF-OTC, Canopy Growth is the 1st such company in the G7 countries to have a signed agreement to provide the product to Germany for it patients. It has positive revenue.

Alaska very recently approved recreational use for cannabis.

There has been a lot of $$ made recently for those so inclined and astute and informed. I recommend none of the companies, as everyone makes their own choices.

Some public companies:

CANN and equipment & media surlier

Best of luck. Lets make some $$$$.
Read Answer Asked by Stan (1) on October 31, 2016
Q: I invested in Posera Ltd. in the summer as a longer term turnaround play and the stock has doubled since. They are now breaking even on Adjusted EBITDA basis and the CEO just bought 787,000 shares at twice my cost base. The Company has about $18 million in annual sales with good prospects of sales growth in 2017. What are your thoughts on this speculative investment? Should I continue to hold?
Read Answer Asked by Charles on October 26, 2016
Q: Hearing much talk about Mar1juana becoming legal shortly in a number of US states as well as here in Canada which could possibly drive up the stock price of some of the small companies now involved, in both countries.
Do you have any suggestions as to what companies are listed on both markets that could benefit greatly.
Many thanks for all your great help. Don't know what I would have done without it last few years.


Read Answer Asked by Harold on October 25, 2016