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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Dear 5i,
I reviewed the Intrinsyc technology website to gain a better understanding of their products. ITC has a lot of innovative products/ideas with many future applications. I don't have a lot of knowedge in this area. What is there competitive advantage? Who are their main competitors? I assume there are many major tech companies developing similar products. ITC has a tiny market cap creating more risk/growth. What makes them a better company?
Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by KERRI on February 17, 2017
Q: Been following your site from the beginning. Really enjoying and learning.
Got in SIS at 6 still hanging on
Any other stocks small cap that you see right now low under the radar with some potential. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Barry on February 16, 2017
Q: Hi Team, I echo the others to say thanks re: TNC, I have doubled my investment. I will replace with 2 different holdings and would like something of the same risk dynamic. In my small/cap higher risk category, I own PHO and a half position of DBO (down 35%). I also own PLI and LTE. I am up on everything except DBO. You have suggested ITC, which I don't yet own yet, is there another holding that you could suggest that would fit the description of a good quality company with growth potential, although higher risk? Should I add the other half position of DBO? Thanks as always.
Read Answer Asked by Kim on February 15, 2017