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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Current thoughts on the Score as a long term hold of 1.5% realizing its a risky play. It is my go to app for sports. In the last month I've noticed a big increase in the amount of advertising space. It's mainly short clips from up coming marvel movies. Even though they are noticeable they don't take away from the sports content.
Read Answer Asked by Richard on March 01, 2017
Q: Emotion aside about a stock everyone has loved to hate for over a year, PHM just reported their best positive cash flow results, have an astounding 78% profit margin, substantially reduced their bad debt to a manageable level, increased their cash balance from the previous quarter and reduced their overall debt. They say after 18 months of hard work, they have trimmed unprofitable business which has reduced revenues but are making more money and now seem ready to propel sales upward. It's very unfortunate they are splitting into two separate companies but when the leaders don't get along, it can be toxic. The same personnel have steered this turnaround so there is substantial commitment as each owns millions of shares. Can you see anything remotely positive in this effort? Two big concerns are the number of traders swarming this stock and it seems there may be a lot of shorts considering they have 375M shares and, second, do you foresee one or both new companies being taken private by the large share-positioned CEO's once the split is complete. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Steven on February 27, 2017
Q: Hi on Feb 9th you mentioned it was hard to make a case for owning RKN
today they announced their "New Strategic Plan for long term growth and sustained profitability" as the share price is now $1.20 do they look any better . No position currently
- Also the former CEO and current board member Lucas Skoczkowski sold well over 2 million shares in a black out period . Will this create any negative scenario for the company
Read Answer Asked by David on February 24, 2017