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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: GEO has been a good performer the past year but has been weak for the recent few months and particularly since releasing earnings earlier in May. Although the quarter showed some metrics that were down a bit, it appears they are setting up for good growth next year. Is this your take on the company? Is it a good time to complete a full position on the price weakness?
Read Answer Asked on May 26, 2017
Q: A friend worked at PEO a few years back and mentioned the stock to me at .30 saying in conversation the CEO - who she had a great respect for - suggested he was building this company to a $10.00 share price. After watching the company, I took an initial position, then added to it when 5i came on board. I am overweight now and it continues to rise. I'm curious why he would pick $10.00, would that be a market cap where bidders would step in, an exit point perhaps? I realize you cant read minds, but after seeing companies built and sold, any thoughts here? What would be the main risks with this company?
Read Answer Asked by Charles on May 26, 2017