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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I would appreciate your assessment of this exploration and development Lithium company.
I realize that it is a very small micro cap company (25 million) but it has been performing very well recently and just purchased a 17 % stake in project in Chile. Could you also comment on the Lithium space in general. Thank you. Ian

Read Answer Asked by Ian on June 21, 2017
Q: Hi there, as a follow up to your response today on NYX Gaming, can you please provide further details to your comment " Insiders have been buying"? This may help shed more light on how confident insiders feel about their stock/company.

Which insiders have been buying?

When have they been buying, recently after their last quarter or before?

How much have they each bought recently this year?

Buying small amounts may just be a token gesture, but large amounts may indicate true confidence of things to come, yes/no?

Read Answer Asked by Hussein on June 20, 2017