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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi, CCMP Capital Advisors, the major shareholder and the initial private equity investor group is divesting its full shareholding (13 mln shares +15% over allotment, if exercised ) through a secondary offering for $18.50 a share. Does this move reflect on the future prospects of Jamieson? Are there any the major shareholders/insiders, after this sale? What is your current opinion on this company ? After watching the share price do well, since the initial offering in July, I bought a position yesterday at the open. Thanks for your insight.
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on October 04, 2017
Q: Hi 5i, could you please give me your take on todays earnings release and conference call (if you listened to it). also your updated overall opinion on the company? do you think this stock is a buy here and worth holding for a few years.I have about a 1% weighting looking to add to 2% or eliminate my position. my average cost is about $1.50 and it is in a registered account.
thanks Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on October 02, 2017
Q: Good Morning.

I have a small position in FTG and note from past news releases of the company that they are a supplier, either directly or indirectly to BBD.B. Trying to quantify what the impact of the US penalty on BBD might be on FTG. Any commentary you can offer would be appreciated.

Read Answer Asked by Robert on October 02, 2017
Q: I own a small position in Karmin Exploration (@.30/share). How would you view today's news release? With Aripuana's projected estimates, is it possible to estimate what Karmin's 30% stake in Aripuana is worth? I understand that there is a lot of variables and if you can't answer this question, any other information or insight would be appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by John on September 29, 2017