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Investment Q&A

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Q: Jerome Haas mentioned that manufacturing of the buses is in China. Checking their website I find claims that they are Buy America compliant as well as having Atlanta GA in brackets after one such claim. They don't say specifically where manufacturing takes place but do list a global Chinese company as their manufacturing partner.

Can you clarify where buses are actually built, and how they can be buy America compliant if they are built in Chinna.
If built in China and buy America compliant, are they using a "loophole" which leaves them exposed to changes.
Read Answer Asked by Bryon on July 14, 2017
Q: Hi Team, I would appreciate your thoughts on MGX Minerals. It appears this Canadian company has patented a filtration system and recently successfully tested it for the removal of Li from oil and gas waste water. In addition purified water is a by product. I have been following the Li story and own shares in ORL and ALB. However, it seems this process is cheaper, faster and more efficient than the current solar and hard rock mining methods and we have lots of O&G. MGX can also apply their technology to recover magnesium and boron. Quite frankly the technology that MGX has tested seems to me like a HUGE discovery and breakthrough. Thanks Team Chris
Read Answer Asked by Chris on July 12, 2017