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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Thinking of buying this company. Could be a takeover candidate for a larger fin tech company. Good executives have joined former Cisco executive and Descartes systems. Stock up nicely yesterday. Seems to me a company for the growth portfolio ie tfsa. Financing was done at $1.70 with lock in til February 2018. Would you buy?
Read Answer Asked by Helen on December 13, 2017
Q: Regarding RHT I see they raised some capital today. Would you consider the price of the offering to be a vote of confidence in the company ? Also it looks like the same business that PHM was in.
If the costs of the monitoring programs are covered by private health insurers or government they could be subject to fee cuts just like CRH was. Could you comment on these concerns.
Thank You
Read Answer Asked by Clarence on December 13, 2017
Q: This stock VGL although very small seems also very inexpensive. It flirted with a large breakout but has since gone back to its previous range.Their business would seem to be recession proof. Would there be the possibility of some growth here. What would be the risks? I believe you mentioned in an earlier question that you were aware of management. What would be there share of ownership. Curious about your thots here.
Read Answer Asked by Terry on December 13, 2017
Q: Not a stock specific question but more of a learning question. Have done well with PEO and COV but the volume of shares traded is very low. I can see these 2 companies continue to be successful and I was wondering at they grow and more investors want to get into the shares what are the options the company have to increase the liquidity of shares and are the options usually beneficial to existing shareholders?

Read Answer Asked by Sal on December 13, 2017
Q: Morning Gents,
You have addressed some question on AT in the past but I want to ask a more pointed one. I have a small position with them (just under $1000) and am down over 50%. Should I cut my losses on this one or just ride it out and see if I can at least recoup my investment?

Read Answer Asked by Harrison on December 12, 2017
Q: Hello Team, The above stocks are a basket of small cap tech stocks that seem to keep cropping up in various analysts BUY recommendations for this sector. Can you rank order the remaining stocks with respect to a Top Pick for 2018 in this small cap tech sector. Before you start are there any you would scratch from or add to the list? Particularly add, after all there is no point in commenting on my picks when 5iR's might be completely different. I apologize for once again presenting 5iR with these investor conundrums. However, it seems to me the Team always does a smooth job of skating through these dilemmas. Thanks Team. Chris
Read Answer Asked by Chris on December 12, 2017
Q: So everyday you hear more and more about this blockchain technology, from banks to Wal Mart, using it, and companies now like Microsoft and IBM developing it, so where does a small company like BTL, now over 200M market cap, fit into this with there size. Do they have technology and products that a large company would want and would buy them out at a large premium? Is there another Canadian company like BTL that is developing the products that they produce? Would you say that it is now becoming a BUY?
Read Answer Asked by eugene on December 11, 2017