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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: What do you expect will the the effect of today's announcement:
"HIVE Blockchain Announces Release of Shares from Lockup", which states that "24,636,705 common shares originally due to be released November 15, 2017 will be released on Wednesday, November 8, 2017 to allow for more market liquidity".
In general, I would expect that an increase in supply will cause the price to fall... But perhaps it is not so simple? What would you expect from this? Also, it is only bringing it forward by a week, so investors may have known about it. Mind you, I expect the vast majority here are retail investors, who may not be aware of such details, and are just buying the trend/hype.
I know predictions are almost impossible, esp. in a case like HIVE, but I would like to know your thought process when evaluating this kind of news, what points you consider most important, etc. (risk, of course, is already off the charts.)
Read Answer Asked by Ed on November 03, 2017
Q: Hi Team, Every day for the last week I have been following this stock on the OTC website. My friend bought some 30 days ago at .30 cents, today the stock is $2.29 and he is now up 660%. How can this penny stock be rocketing into outer space with an average daily trade volume of 20,000s? I mean look at the OTC site...the share offerings are in the 100s. It seems to me it's breaking all the trading rules ever thought of. Up, up, and high will the stock go....and there is no news and no Insider trading?? CRAZY!!!
Can you explain to me both what is going on how is it going on with this stock? PS I have not bought any stock yet. Thanks Team, can't wait for your reply on NRBT.
Read Answer Asked by Chris on November 03, 2017
Q: Good Morning Peter and Team, great job on the site ! The above are our laggers (vs a much longer list of out performers; thank you !). I'm assuming that unless they have strong news they will struggle into next year with tax loss selling. In what order would you part with them if you wanted to move on ? Which one or 2 do you think have the best potential that you would even add to them ? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on November 03, 2017
Q: Good morning...I know very little about Bitcoin and have recently learned more about, I decided to buy into HIVE...I am up over 50% in 3 weeks...I understand the volatility and risk...what are your thoughts on a small investment (2%) of portfolio riding for a period of time..when would you take profit? Overall opinion of the field and this particular stock... Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Matthew on November 01, 2017
Q: QST has really started to move in the past 10 days. Could we get your assessment of what is driving the move and how confident one should be with the firm. It almost looks like the stars are starting to align for it (higher oil prices, new government methane gas reduction targets, proven technology). If it reports a strong quarter, what is the upside? Would you complete a position in it now?
Read Answer Asked on November 01, 2017
Q: I am trying to break my need to hold on to my losers. I have held KPT for 4 years with nothing to show other than the dividend. I like the dividends but I don't have need of them at this time and I want something with some growth too. Should I give it up? If so any suggestions for a replacement?

Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on October 31, 2017