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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Is there a record date for the Split? My XAU share tanked 30% some weeks ago....I guess because of the Split, but this the answer OI got from their IR:

Thanks for your email. I understand your concern but I currently don't have any news to share with you regarding the Mene listing. Happy to answer any additional questions you may have after our earnings release on Friday.
Best, ​Renee Wei
Director, Global Communications & Investor Relations
Read Answer Asked by Austin on February 05, 2018
Q: Hi 5i: Why all the negative sentiment on Intrinsyc? Over the last several quarters revenues have grown quarter to quarter and Management has clearly stated that Q4 will have accelerated revenue growth. Based on what has been reported in 2017 and expected in Q4, revenues year-over-year should show good growth. Q3 was profitable and Q4 should be too. The Company has also said they have a record backlog which should bode well for 2018. I know the stock price has drifted but this could be an interesting entry point despite the Company's current market cap. Also the Company has a good cash position and no debt. What am I missing?
Read Answer Asked by Charles on February 02, 2018
Q: My rich boss was told to invest in this stock at 23 cents and I bought some at 43 cents doubled my money and sold around 90 cents in a two month run because that's two weeks salary and I was happy. Now this thing is over 2 dollars with lots of volume when it went to venture you see any reason for this new valuation.... I know they have increased testing areas to the states etc. What is your take on this company that makes no money and just increased 1000 % on little news.should I jump back in ??
Read Answer Asked by Brad on February 02, 2018
Q: Hi there, one of the small cap blogs I follow has recently initiated a position on Novra Technologies (NVI) on the venture exchange. The blog's top ideas seems to perform well over time. I know names this small usually isn't on your radar, but what were your thoughts on this company? I am interested in putting a little bit of mad money to work in this name (About a 1.5% of my portfolio). Do you see any concerns with this approach? Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Michael on February 01, 2018
Q: All of my Spec Stocks, the ones listed above, each represent less than 1% of my cash Portfolio. With regard to your article discussing having stocks thta are less than 1% of portfolio weighting, I am thinking of selling 3 or 4 of these stocks and putting them all into one or two of the above stocks that show the best potential. I am down in all of them but to a lesser amount in GPS and CRH. Which, if any, would you say would be the keepers of the bunch?
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on February 01, 2018
Q: Am considering adding to my Healthcare with one of the 2 stocks mentioned. At present I have a full position in GUD, and SIS. Also a 1/4 position BTH. What are your thoughts on these 2 Companys and which do you feel has the greater potential for growth. Or is there another stock you feel would be a better choice to add.
Thanks to all the 5i staff for the excellent job you do in keeping us informed and keeping us on the right track.
Read Answer Asked by John on February 01, 2018
Q: Hello team, thought I'd ask my first question before I renew, however first, thank you for the solid advice you provide that helps to quell the fears I have in this market!

What are your feelings on Carl Data Solutions?
Are they joining Johnston Blockchain? Heard about this co. on Mark Bunting's new program, Capital Ideas last Sun. evening.

Thank you all again!
Read Answer Asked by Wendy on February 01, 2018
Q: Timia Capital (v.TCA) has undergone a significant change in its business model since you last had a look, now focusing on financing SaaS-oriented IT companies rather than 'green' players. It's still very small but its new model seems to be working very well - even turning profitable during its latest quarter and now expanding partnerships.

Would appreciate your current thoughts on this new direction and its prospects.

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Richard on February 01, 2018