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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello Peter et al.

We seem to be getting the market pullback that is much needed for the market to go higher. The Canadian market is a big laggard though. However in all of this turmoil these three stocks have appeared to be on fire. Can I get your opinion on these three stocks. They all hold about a 1-1.5% of my portfolio. Would you buy,sell or hold at these levels?


Read Answer Asked by Brendan on February 12, 2018
Q: I see PHO trades at a 2018 fiscal year p/e of 19 ( earnings this year expected to be 10.5 cents mean ) and it has a margin of 10%. QST trades at a p/e for current year of 9 ( 36 cents expected this year) and has a margin of 20%. Granted QST does not have the cash balance per share that PHO has, is this mismatch of values because analysts like tech more than oil service( even though I think QST is a tech company) and PHO may be a buyout target or are there other variables at play?
Read Answer Asked by Murray on February 08, 2018
Q: Hi Team, I have done some reading on Blockchain technology and sense that it is an area to invest in and although many people would agree with me everyone seems confused about where exactly to start an investment. Gambling companies handle a lot of money in every form, across a lot of venues so security must be a number one priority for them. It appears eXe has a contract to develop a process for online gambling payments using cryptocurrency to convert monies back to good old cash. Is this a stock to start an investment in or does the 5iR Team have any other cryptostocks they might recommend? Thanks, Chris
Read Answer Asked by Chris on February 07, 2018