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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I hold the above in my TFSA and am down significantly on all of them. Fly is particularly concerning to me as I am down well over 50% and momentum is poor. Is it time to dump one or all even though there's no tax benefit to selling a loser? Could you suggest 2 or 3 alternatives, sector not withstanding? I hold a mix of the growth and balanced equity portfolios in our TFSA's.
Read Answer Asked by Rod on March 22, 2018
Q: Hello, I would appreciate your thoughts specifically on Verde Agritech and generally about how to interpret After Tax Net Present Value (NPV) reports of companies and if they're something of value to consider when investing.
Verde Agritech has recently been approved for 150K tonne of fertilizer production which at $28/tonne looks to be about $0.1/share, which seem like very good initial production in a company with no debt.
The NPV of the company is extremely high at $1.8 billion. That number is so large compared to the companies current value it seems like pie in the sky, but it also seems like the company could theoretically reach that. I don't know what to do with it.
I do see an extremely likely route for the company to reach 600K and about $0.4/share.
Thank you for your opinions on this interesting little company.
Read Answer Asked by Frederick on March 20, 2018