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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi 5i....I've had this company on my watch list since about a year ago. It had negative momentum at the time and last answered company question was in 2017. At the time you suggested TFII which has also done well.
I see it has picked up on the momentum side in the last 6 months but I don't really see any news to account for this. Is it's performance simply just tied to the economy (e-commerce or transport sector?) and thus the appreciation? It has made several acquisitions over the last few years so perhaps has better pricing power now.
Any update on your opinion or still to small vs other trucking companies?
Is TFII still your favourite CDN in this sector?

Thanks for all you do!!!!
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on July 19, 2018
Q: Hi,
I'm looking for some solid small cap companies in Canada.
Can you please list 10-15 companies and their industry.
Read Answer Asked by Mohammed on July 17, 2018
Q: Mr. Darcy Morris, founder and CEO of Ewing Morris & Co. Investment Partners, has just joined the board of Caldwell Partners. In the director filing, Ewing Morris a Toronto-based investment manager, has acquired over 2 million shares of Caldwell stock through its managed funds. Could this appointment and share ownership lead to a future dividend increase or other shareholder value enhancing events considering the stock is so cheap by many metrics?
Read Answer Asked by Charles on July 17, 2018
Q: Hello
I just read about the tariffs applied to P&G more specifically the toilet paper they sell here in Canada.

I assume that if P&G up the price of Charmen TP in Canada then KPT will follow and hike the price of its Casmere TP. Thus increasing their margins.

Do you think this development is ''material''for KPT?

Read Answer Asked by Stephane on July 13, 2018
Q: What do you make of the recent announcement on Sedar (July 3rd) regarding Michael Wekerle's acquisition of more shares in Mogo? Can anything be read into this purchase? I suppose he's either expecting the stock to go up for some reason or is positioning himself to take over the company (if that is even a realistic possibility, which I don't know). I would be interested in your comments. Thanks as always.
Read Answer Asked by Jason on July 12, 2018