Q: AIM stock price is doing well lately, do you think it is a buy?
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Investment Q&A
Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.
Q: Hello, I have owned this company for about a year. It has fallen by approximately 50%. Do you think there is any chance for a rebound in this stock?
Thank you Alan
Thank you Alan
Q: Has your opinion changed since your last comments in May when you said the company was too risky. It seems to have legs. Thanks, Bill
Q: I noticed that RHT has yet to issue or report their June 30/18 annual report. This seems a longer period than normal at this time. How long do they have to issue this? thanks
Q: Hi .... Further to your answer to Guy's question and as someone who is hurting big time with rht .... does your answer mean that there are no catalysts anticipated in the next year to lift this stock - other than an unanticipated piece of good news? No excellent fundamentals?
As 'they" say, hope is not a strategy.... so my impression is that if you were putting new money to work RHT would be way down your list of candidates?
Thanks for your help here. I hate to walk away from an investment but this looks like it is overdue to be dumped.
As 'they" say, hope is not a strategy.... so my impression is that if you were putting new money to work RHT would be way down your list of candidates?
Thanks for your help here. I hate to walk away from an investment but this looks like it is overdue to be dumped.
Q: Now that RHT has dropped below 1.25 do you see this as a good entry point
Q: What is your opinion on Kelso Technologies? Is it going to stay afloat?
Thank you
Thank you
Canopy Growth Corporation (WEED)
Aphria Inc. (APHA)
Emerald Health Therapeutics Inc. (EMH)
Q: It is difficult to evaluate the cannabis industry at this early stage. I wonder if I can get your opinion on the Medical side of the industry. With a longer term outlook and possibly our Canadian companies supplying the world with high grade medical cannabis, can you talk a little about the Companies you like in order of perference?
Q: Do you have any insights on the share structure and insider ownership of this company? Thanks.
Q: Bre-X part 2 or actual gold find??
Q: What is your current view of this company and it's huge Vagas complex opening Nov 1st and with eventual roll across the US. Investable for TFSA? growth prospects? PLTH
Q: What are your top 3 small cap growth stocks for a long term hold?
Q: I realize its small but can you give me any insight into the growth prospects of this company, management and insider ownership.
Q: Any updated thoughts on David's Tea since the Nov 20 question? Is inside ownership still high?
Q: What is your take on their recent contract win with a major bank. Does this validate the technology.
Q: Who are RHT competitors ? Are they established or public companies ? What differentiate them from their competitors ? Thank you !
Protech Home Medical Corp. (PTQ)
Ceapro Inc. (CZO)
Photon Control Inc. (PHO)
Liminal BioSciences Inc. (LMNL)
ZCL Composites Inc. (ZCL)
Q: The above listed companies have (I think) been recommended by you over the last year as small caps with growth potential. All are down in the dumps at the moment and I am wondering which, if any, would you now recommend for growth over the short term (one year)
Q: This company ,NORTH BUD FARMS, is going public on the CSE tomorrow. Can you tell me the proposed issue price?
Q: hi, alz is a ticker symbol being used by solo growth.solo liquor stores are converting some stores to cannabis stores.Is this investible as a consumer discretion stock.What kind of profit will just a retailer make in this space....they have plans for 100 stores in Ontario and 50 in Alberta.
Move on or interesting?
Move on or interesting?
Q: Hi
Is this worth a trade presently at .05.
Thank you
Is this worth a trade presently at .05.
Thank you