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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: My first reaction to the big deal announced this morning was to sell all my shares. I don’t understand buying a company for so much that is ebitda breakeven. I realize the recurring revenue is good and maybe this gives them cross selling opportunities but will this deal not result in diluted eps and ebitda/share? What’s your take on he deal? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Scott on August 27, 2018
Q: Recently Benj Gallagher was on Mike Campbell’s Money Talks. I don’t subscribe to the idea of being a contrarian just for the sake of being different, but I do believe there can be great buying opportunities for pretty much anything when it becomes oversold or out of favour. Benj mentioned that Quarterhill and GMP were two of his favorites looking forward. This was based on suffering substantial drops recently, having little to no debt, good cash flow and reserves and good management. Do you agree that these two meet those criteria? what do you think about them looking forward? Even if they rebounded close to their 52 week highs it would mean substantial gains.
Read Answer Asked by david on August 22, 2018
Q: Similar to Dave I am having trouble assessing the value of Aimia and specifically assessing expected tax impacts of the sale of Aeroplan. Aimia's largest shareholder (Mittleman Brothers LLC) issued a statement supporting the recent offer - however, in this statement it notes expected taxes on the sale should be minimal - can you please confirm this?
The statement also notes that their "sum of the parts" valuation for Aimia is C$7.50 per share. This is based on a "full valuation" for PLM Premier - however, even discounting that to the recent offer received the valuation is closer to C$5 per share. Also no value is being assigned to potential tax losses that could be carried forward.
What is driving the substantial discount in the share price? Does 5i have a view on what the "fair value" of Aimia is based on the revised Aeroplan offer?
Read Answer Asked by Shyam on August 22, 2018
Q: My question is on VIVO. It's a rebrand from former Abcann Global and apparently your system has not yet updated so I couldn't put it into the box above. Just wondering if you have any further insights in regard to this stock. I recognize that it is just one more entry in a large field of cannabis "wannabees". They suggest on their website that they have some proprietary technology in regard to cannabis production that might give them an advantage but I'm not sure how much credence to put in this claim. Generally, please give your opinion on VIVO currently in regard to valuation, management and forward guidance, to the extent that you are able. Also, do they have any free cash flow at the moment and what is their debt level like. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Donald on August 22, 2018