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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I know you removed Pivot (PTG) from your Growth Portfolio several months ago to redeploy into a stock offering better potential. It seems to have bottomed out around the $1.00 area during this current bout of volatility/tax loss selling and has now risen to $1.29 area. Looks like the tax loss selling may have concluded for this stock ? Are vale investors stepping in ? Can I get your opinion of this company and its potential moving forward.


Read Answer Asked by David on November 26, 2018
Q: I hold small positions in Heo nd Jtr at a loss. Is there any hope going for ward for these? If you were to hold just one,which has the better outlook for the next 2 to 3 years and why? Also, is Spb a buy at these levels? I'm concerned about their debt level,even though they have raised their outlook upwards for 2019. Thanx.
Read Answer Asked by Steve on November 26, 2018
Q: Hello Peter,
Is it time to back up the truck on Savaria? I think the market has over done the downside. Any reason why Andrew Peller is down from its peak? The company seems to be doing well. Please comment on both. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by umedali on November 21, 2018
Q: In addition to diversified RSP, RIF, TFSA accounts, I have a small Trading account that I use for 'nice to have' rather than 'need to have'.
I have sold Photon and Reliq recently for tax loss and have 22% in cash which I would like to redeploy. In this account I am willing to take higher than average risk.
Current holdings are COV 9% (with small loss), TSGI 43% and SYZ 26% (both with good profit). Your suggestions for one or two stocks that you think have higher than average growth potential in the coming year would be appreciated.
Re your recent update reports - good timing with so much going on and I liked the format
Thanks as always.
Read Answer Asked by Alexandra on November 20, 2018
Q: After bottoming out at $1.00 DHX has recovered to $3.00 a share. Every day the stock moves up in this volatile market. Can you tell me if Fine Capital still holds a big stake and if not who does. It lookslike a good turnaround story—dividend cut, WildBrain gaining traction, conference call had some good positives.? Time to buy this time around after three years of just going down it looks like the bottom was found and DHX is moving in the right direction.
What do you think? I have a very small position.

Read Answer Asked by Helen on November 20, 2018