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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Paul asked today if PRL's dividend has been increasing in proportion to its income increases, or are they increasing the payout ratio. In your answer, you mentioned the dividend is up by 30% compared to last year at this time, but you didn't compare this to the income increase. PRL had an 84% income increase in 2023 compared to 2022, and in Q1 of 2024, the income was up 77%, so in fact they have been DECREASING the payout ratio, as the income has been increasing at a much faster rate than the dividend.
Read Answer Asked by Dan on July 11, 2024
Q: i would like to increase my US equity exposure which largely consists of VUN and VIG currently. I don't have a specific small cap holding but feel the lagging performance might indicate it is a good time to buy TQSM. Would you advocate buying now or waiting until October?
Read Answer Asked by richard on July 11, 2024
Q: I'm thinking of replacing my MAL shares with MDA for about a 2 to 2.5% position . { MAL is currently 1% so it would be a position size increase but still on the small side } ..... I notice the market cap of MDA is three times the size of MAL as well ..... It looks to me like MAL is a recovery play and MDA is a growth play. Could 5i give me a brief outlook on the short term and long term prospects of both and your preference between the two companies ? And whether a term I often see 5i use is applicable here ? The term is " We do not see it as need to own " ...... Thankyou for your terrific service .....
Read Answer Asked by Garth on July 10, 2024
Q: In your answer to Kim yesterday, you indicated that there had been no news to explain the decline in DRX. However, after reaching a multi-year high on June 11, there was a trading halt on June 13 to announce the purchase and cancellation of almost 2.8 million shares from an insider family at $3 below market value. The shares have been on the decline since this announcement. Is it possible this large insider sale is being considered as a lack of confidence in the stock or an indication that the stock has perhaps maxed out in the short term?
Read Answer Asked by Ken on July 09, 2024
Q: Question on RESP - thinking of selling BNS and replacing with GSY and PRL 50/50 also thinking of adding some WELL and VHI for long term holds any suggestions
Read Answer Asked by James on July 09, 2024
Q: Does Applied Digital Coorporation (APLD; not listed as such in 5i database) seem like a somewhat less recognized and thus potentially more profitable stock to play the AI data storage theme?
Read Answer Asked by John on July 09, 2024
Q: I never sold my position of Questor Technology (I guess I have a problem parting with my losers!!) It had a 20 percent bump in one day last month. There is chatter on stockhouse about maybe someone is accumulating to take this 'dog of a stock" private. Can you confirm how much cash is still on Questors balance sheet? My understanding is that the cash almost covers the current market cap. If so then a take private with a premium would still be cheap for the acquirer. How much per quarter would it cost questor to be listed on the venture exchange? Could taking this 'dog of a stock" private be viable if they could clean up a lot of S & G costs? Also if QST was taken private they could take the axe to upper management and also save some expenses. Right? So it could be a viable enterprise to a larger acquirer, right? I just can't see why this company can't get any traction in sales of equipment or contracts for rentals of their equipment. Apparently there is huge concern for the gases that are released with flaring of excess natural gas and, if you believe QST, they have a good solution to this problem. So why can't they get any sustainable contracts/sales? Is the concern over flaring gases just a lot of "hot air" talk and the truth is no one is going to do much to lower it? Or is Questor's solution really not that great or competitors have better options to solve this problem?Perhaps someone in the oil and gas industry who reads this question can comment since I don't really expect 5i research to have any intel on this problem.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on July 08, 2024