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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Why has Yangarra become so cheap? I was considering taking a position since it was a very strong performer over the last 2 years (maybe even the best performer next to PXT), up until November. I'm pretty sure its due to the price of NatGas falling from November on to new lows and YGR is like 50% gas. Do you see a lot of potential in getting such a strong performer when the share price is so beaten down or is it best to avoid NatGas stocks since there is no way of knowing how long it stays down with so much supply?
Read Answer Asked by Adam on May 14, 2019
Q: Can you comment on the prospects for this Driscoll family vehicle? FXC
Read Answer Asked by Kim on May 09, 2019