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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: It has been a while since GSB has been discussed in the 5i question forum and a lot has changed at this company since. Although the stock has pulled back a bit recently, it has shown good momentum the last few months. Add in the special $.50 dividend paid last month and the stock does look interesting. Your thoughts? Does this company have legs and further upside in your opinion?
Read Answer Asked by WAYNE on June 12, 2019
Q: Hi Peter, Ryan, and Team,

In the SYZ website, they list their various software solutions, and I notice that a lot are geared towards the public sector. With many governments adopting a "cutback" stance, both in Canada and the US, could this be one factor that's causing a drag on their share price? Unfortunately, our 0.8% weighting in SYZ was purchased close to its peak (at 13.49) and it's now trading at 11.10. Given my concerns about its product lineup, is it worth holding (in a TFSA) or is it time to move on? If a move is suggested, please list some possible alternatives in the same sector, both "aggressive", and "conservative". We already own these stocks in our combined portfolio, followed by their weightings:
CSU - 5.6%
ENGH - 2.6%
KXS - 1.1%
OTEX - 4.3%
XIT - 0.8% (we use XIT since it's commission-free with iTrade).

Thanks in advance for your valued advice.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on June 12, 2019
Q: Reko just released very good 3rd quarter results. The company has a solid Book Value(no goodwill) at $7.20 with no debt except for mortgage debt on their properties.
They finally showed revenue growth driven by their automation division. They are generating close to $1 per share annually in cash flow. As a microcap investment do you consider this company undervalued with significant upside potential?
Read Answer Asked by Charles on June 11, 2019
Q: Good day,

Are you familiar with this stock ? I was considering adding it to my portfolio as part of the cannabis sector.
Read Answer Asked by Enzo on June 10, 2019
Q: I do not understand what is going on at PLI.
I have many shares and want your help to sort out my options.
1. should I participate in the writes any why . Is to late ?
2. what advantage would I get if I owned the writes. Would I be able to guy shares at $ 0.0015 and how does that work.
3. Is there a chance the new management is more capable in running this company which may have solid science but has cheated it's loyal stock holder.
Read Answer Asked by JOSEPH on June 07, 2019
Q: Good morning, Today you recommended XTC as a small cap buy. I know you have liked it in the past but.... share price chart is dreadful, recent results were not good and the sector is out of favour. Is it just a straight value play or is there a new catalyst?
Also, are they more affected or less affected by trade tensions/tariffs than MG, MRE and Linamar? Thanks for the great service.
Read Answer Asked by Robert on June 07, 2019
Q: I have some for more than a year and down 50 % .
Sell or keep ( they say sell your loser ! )
If sell what stock to buy (looking for some dividend stock )

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Francis on June 07, 2019