My US portfolio has a few laggards in it that have underperformed the market. I'm not sure if their underperformance is a temporary blip or a permanent tumor.
I'll list them below so I can get a fresh perspective from you on them and whether you think that they are worth holding or not.
Many thanks.
Please deduct the number of credits you think is fair.
Q: Could you please comment on the recent earnings of BEW and VHI? I own both and I'm think about adding more of either of these, which would you choose.
Q: have taken a large loss in my TFSA on cov. rather than waiting it out am thinking of selling it and replacing it with a junior trading in the 2.00 to 3.00 dollar range. are there any juniors that you like in this price range? I am not risk averse. thanks for your help Richard
Q: Now that the dividend has been finally removed and the Trust is no longer getting the income. Is it a possible takeover target and who would want to buy it??
It appears like there must me some value to this company.
Q: It appears from the fiscal Q2 results that Avante Logixx has turned the corner to future profitability. The Company's stock trades very cheaply at about 60% of revenues based on their forward outlook of C$72 Million. Do you agree?
Q: Every once in a while, I see a question asked about this company, and your response always says that being small they have small cap risk. While that is true, I have never seen another company that has been so consistently stable between 1.90 and 2.00. Rarely strays away from the $2.00 mark. For 5 years now. So, as a monthly dividend payer, at 8%, this is one of my go to stocks when there is market uncertainty. No growth but consistent dividend.
Q: After the failure of the harvest, it is undergoing pressure, and also from the maple sugar side. However, at $ 4.83 (close on Thursday) it now has a dividend over 7%. I know it isn't a growth stock, and I know it has high debt - notwithstanding that, for a dividend investor is this a reasonable safe dividend? Also, the second part of my question is whether there is SOME growth to be expected to return to its historical levels after a year or two when (hopefully) the problems are in the proverbial rear-view mirror?
Thanks! … Paul K
Q: The company continues to put it steady results and recently completed a private placement at 56 cents.
They have announced a 1 for 8 consolidation along with the initiation of a dividend.
The last reported NAV was 53 cents.
Management is very strong and experienced.
What is your view of the investment merits at current levels?