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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: May I please have your opinion on Indus Holding Inc. Also, I see conflicting market caps on different websites. Can you please confirm the current approximate market cap. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Manoj on June 21, 2019
Q: I know this company is a bit small for you to get too interested in, so my question is really not company specific but rather based on using KUT as an example. They have had a good run over the last year. Price is near highs. Yesterday they announce a BDF at .95. This is about 10% below recent trading. Today they announce an increase in the BDF at the same price. Naturally, price dropped around 7% today to just above the BFD pricing. However, while noting the dilutive effect of the financing (adding around 20% to the float!) and the probable cap on the stock price for a while as all is digested, should not one wonder that if seasoned investors are prepared to pay a certain price for a fairly large piece of a company which is trading near all time highs, perhaps this should be seen as a positive for the company and we, as small investors, should give consideration to buying near the BFD price? I appreciate that big investors get it wrong as often as we do, however, is this scenerio not generally a positive for the company?
Long question, please deduct as many as you deem appropriate.
Thanks as always
Read Answer Asked by Neil on June 20, 2019
Q: Peter and His Wonder Team
RET. is going to buy back shares at a price significantly higher than current market. Please tell me all the reasons it would do this. Of course the obvious is that it for the moment increases value for loyal share holders who are seriously under water. However I wonder about the long term. Your thoughts please. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Ernest on June 18, 2019
Q: TruTrace Technologies is currently listed on the venture exchange. I read "TRUTRACE TECHNOLOGIES ANNOUNCES CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF CSE LISTING AND DELISTING FROM TSXV". What does this mean? I was considering investing based on some new news. Can I? Where? Do you have any opinions on this company?

Thanks as always,
Read Answer Asked by Douglas on June 18, 2019
Q: I used to be a crypto nay-sayer but it’s come around on me. I’m surprised the media hasn’t followed the recent big move Bitcoin has had from below 4000 to over 9000 in the last couple months. What do you think of HUT8 going forward? I know they lost a ton of money when btc was in free fall last year. My thinking is that if btc can atleast stay above 8k and eventually breaks out higher, HUT has massive upside. Potentially similar to a small cap gold minor that explodes 5x-10x when gold doubles.
Read Answer Asked by Scott on June 17, 2019
Q: What are your thoughts on this company? I saw it as a top pick on bnn recently. I think electric busses are here to stay and it looks like GPV has carved a small niche for themselves for now, but do they really have anything proprietary or a technology that others don’t have? It looks like they’re just buying the same drives and batteries other companies have access to. It seems like other bus makers could easily step in and take GPV’s small market share. What am I missing here?

Thanks for all your great work!
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on June 17, 2019