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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Happy Holidays 5i Team,

Could I please get your analysis on the above names as part of a diversified small cap portfolio focused on capital gains over 3-5 year hold. I have partial positions at higher prices in both IOM and SIM but they seem undervalued now given their prospects and current price. I generally prefer to diversify over averaging down while still building a portfolio as a strategy, but I am also willing to be flexible if the risk and reward is right. Would you add to existing positions in these stocks? Under what circumstances would you recommend someone consider averaging down?

I also like the prospects of GSI VHI and FLY and would appreciate your comments on them as being added to a aggressive growth portfolio. Any red flags or risks other than size? How would you rank them given their current price?

Thanks for the great service and happy New Year to everyone.
Read Answer Asked by Colin on January 02, 2020
Q: Hi,
Can you please let me know your opinion on this ? I know this has been beaten down and this may not fit in your investment style. However based on the cash in hand and net assets do you think it's trading less than it's book value , ignoring other factors such as law suits, possible re-instatement of the licence, etc. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Dineth on December 30, 2019
Q: On Dec 23 Acst delayed Phase 3 results to mid/end Jan 2020 resulting in big drop from $3.75 to $2.94.On Dec 27 recovered 0.49(17.07%)to $3.36.On Market Call on Dec 27 Robert McWhirter,who closely followed the co.opined that the results will be good & if all goes well,he sees a $10 target price.Please provide your opinion as thinking of starting a position. Txs for u usual great advices &services. All the best for 2020
Read Answer Asked by Peter on December 30, 2019
Q: Can you provide any information on Cielo Waste Solutions? Would this be investible or is it a high risk/stay away from stock?
Read Answer Asked by James on December 19, 2019
Q: Looking at one/both of these for a TFSA. Could you comment on their competitive advantage - if any. Other issues that would concern you ? If you were to put a 5i rating on them for the Growth Portfolio, can you take a stab at what that might be ?
The 3 smallest positions in my TFSA are MCR, PHO, and LSPD, (I also hold a full position in Shop) . Would increasing those be preferable ?
Read Answer Asked by Alexandra on December 19, 2019
Q: I'm considering a contrarian play on an o&g service company. I understand it may take a number of years but at these prices the right company could be a multi bagger when the sector turns from these very low share prices. A strong balance sheet is key to be able to last however long it takes. I see MCR, TCW, and ESN fitting the bill here, but which one would you invest in? MCR has actually done quite well in the downturn and is up considerably. TCW and ESN are more similarly aligned and have both been beaten up. I'd imagine TCW and ESN would have much more torque than MCR in a recovery, so more value there. Clarke has been a big buyer of TCW at these levels, but MCR has large insider ownership. Which one do you feel is the best choice and why?
Read Answer Asked by Adam on December 18, 2019