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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello Peter, I have smallish positions in People and ECN in my TFSA. With this year's TFSA contribution, I'm considering topping up one or both of these positions for long-term holds. Which of these two would you favour? Or, if you favour both equally, would you concur with buying both, or do you think this precious TFSA money should go into some of the other TFSA-type stocks you've suggested recently. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by James on January 07, 2020
Q: I am looking over VCI for yield. I see the last payment was a paltry .03! Compare this to a .13 payout earlier it seems a rather large fluctuation.
Is this strictly a quarter to quarter variation in the business or did they overpay early and cut back subsequently? I was hoping to see more stability in payout considering the lack of growth in the name. Could you give some colour on all this?

Read Answer Asked by Gerald on January 07, 2020
Q: Happy Holidays 5i Team,

Could I please get your analysis on the above names as part of a diversified small cap portfolio focused on capital gains over 3-5 year hold. I have partial positions at higher prices in both IOM and SIM but they seem undervalued now given their prospects and current price. I generally prefer to diversify over averaging down while still building a portfolio as a strategy, but I am also willing to be flexible if the risk and reward is right. Would you add to existing positions in these stocks? Under what circumstances would you recommend someone consider averaging down?

I also like the prospects of GSI VHI and FLY and would appreciate your comments on them as being added to a aggressive growth portfolio. Any red flags or risks other than size? How would you rank them given their current price?

Thanks for the great service and happy New Year to everyone.
Read Answer Asked by Colin on January 02, 2020