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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello dear team,
Hope you are well and had the chance to enjoy some good weather.
What are your thoughts on this company ?
my known facts(hope they are right)
They have 5 ODD with the FDA and some of them are on the fast track to be commercialized ?
they are partner with one if not the biggest mexico pharma (which is also World wide?) for the commercialization of Cauzma ?
they recently raised something like 10 000 000 $
Everything seems to be going well and on track with the company and they have been delivering.

How do you think they could perform and in how long you think they will start to benefit from their hard work ?
how do you think this company could do in 5 years, if we do an optimistic and a pessimist scenario.

thank you for your time and response.
stay safe,
Read Answer Asked by Michael on April 30, 2020
Q: I still own wild and have great confidence in the former Disney executive changing things around. They own the family channel and are coming out with a great line up of movies in May—Good for all of us isolating at home. Do they make money by having more subscribers? How else do they make money? I thing at .80 cents this stock could be a multi bagger if things go right. What do you think.

Read Answer Asked by Helen on April 29, 2020
Q: Do you have an opinion on this medical on line service? Are there others in this field that you would prefer?
Read Answer Asked by Allen on April 28, 2020
Q: Hi,
I have a few questions.
1) BAM is still about 50% off its February high. Why is that, given that so many other stocks have recovered considerably more? What is your opinion of it as a long-term investment? What about BEP?
2) What is your opinion of MIC as a long-term investment? Does it at least merit a “hold” at present?
3) How likely is it that the following small-caps will survive the present crisis: PL, HTL, ENW, VFF and PILL.CN?
Read Answer Asked by Camille on April 28, 2020
Q: I have all three of these companies in my portfolios which include non-registered accounts, TFSA's, and trust accounts for my granddaughters, more or less equal weighting overall. I am still not sure of which one(s) to trim or add to. Do you have any suggestions based on fundamentals and balance sheet as well as growth potential. I am not considering the particular type of business they fit into here but rather that they are all small cap and volatile but with potential. Or perhaps should I just keep them as is. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Rob on April 28, 2020
Q: Can you review this company for me please. This was a speculative stock that I have held for a number of years. They sure seem to be gaining some traction and I am noticing a lot more share activity. With these guys getting involved more and more with infrastructure projects it looks promising. What are your thoughts on this company at this time? I realize its a still a pretty small company but they did an acquisition in 2019 and are looking ahead for more opportunities.

Thanks Guys!
Read Answer Asked by Brad on April 27, 2020
Q: Hi, IVQ has suspended their dividend, stock price has fallen significantly, I am down 70%, is this stock worth holding long term? No further information has been given, Salaries cut, some COVID cases in their rental holdings, sounds like the company is in trouble or facing potential lawsuits?
Read Answer Asked by Kim on April 27, 2020
Q: We have had 10,000 shares at an avg cost of .58 cents of Medmira sitting in our portfolio for years - assuming it was pretty much a dead duck In the last few days, however, it has sprung to life quacking with an announcement of now providing C19 testing kits . I've read the news info but cannot determine if this is just a flash in the pan and we should grab the money and run. Or, is there something really here that might be a business that can bring the share price up to or past our average cost. Would appreciate your experienced eye in looking at this situation and hearing what your thoughts might be.
Many thanks as always.
Read Answer Asked by Alexandra on April 27, 2020
Q: Been following SUP for sometime & am puzzled ? What I know : NDG recently purchased 10% of shares for $1.27 M. Board members also recently added $ 705000 buying shares. None of this made much movement in the price. It has been moving up slowly for the past 3.5 months from $0.07 to $0.30. Then this Friday , it jumped $0.075 ( 23.8%) = $0.39 on a volume of 197657 shares ( barely nothing.) Question :the injected $ from NDG and the board members hardly made the stock move ? Are these preferred shares ? Question : Friday, I can assume maybe 50 people bought 4000 shares each at $0.35 = $1400 = total $70,000 and that made the stock jump 23.8 % . Do you see anything happening in this company ? Appreciate your input. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Frank on April 27, 2020
Q: Hello,
I own shares of Clarke Inc. They recently spun out Terravest, which I know little about. Terravest seemed to be about half of the value of my original Clarke investment. Clarke a few years ago provided 2 large $2 per share dividends but has not paid any dividends since. I haven't looked into any details of the spinout, though Terravest has dropped about 10% since then. It is holding up better than the market. Can you give me further insights into these 2 positions and whether either are worth holding or adding to? Each represents about 1% of my portfolio. Use as many questions as needed. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Tulio on April 27, 2020