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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: What are your thoughts on this company? I have family members that have invested in it, but I cannot find much information on the company. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Meghan on June 10, 2020
Q: Hello 5i team;
Exro Technologies has performed exceedingly well lately with good momentum, seems to have gained investor interest and is hitting all time highs. The company's technology involves significant improved performance of electric motors, batteries , generators and have announced several partnerships in diverse industries.
Could you offer your views as far as risk/reward on this micro cap company?
Much Appreciated!
Read Answer Asked by D.B. on June 10, 2020
Q: Can you please give your opinion about RIW:CC, what do you think about this company?
Read Answer Asked by Mykola on June 08, 2020
Q: They have raised $30 m (without any warrants) during the past year to primarily fund exploration and drilling, my take on their press releases
Ross Beaty owns around 20%
Please explain BHP's formal earn-in and joint venture agreement dated July 15, 2019

BHP has the right to earn a 51% ownership initially, to a max of 70% BHP committed to invest, or is it up to them to decide if they want to ?
if its the latter, is there a time constraint for them to invest
I'm thinking to take a small position here
what do u think

Read Answer Asked by JACK on June 08, 2020
Q: Can you shed some light on what is going on with WildBrain the last two days. Never seen that kind of volatility for that stock. Did a round trip yesterday. Went from $1.36 to $2.38 on huge volume and today back to $1.36. Who is buying since there was huge volume at $2.38
And the next day take a $1.00 loss. Again, I
Don’t understand the volatility in the market.
Is it a creeping takeover going on?

$2.38 And back today to $1.36.
Read Answer Asked by Helen on June 05, 2020
Q: I have held on to this looser much too long. When they announced yesterday that Aurora was selling its entire stake at $3.00 /share I gasped expecting that the stock would crater too well below that on the news. Instead it rose nicely the day of the announcement at one point trading as high as $3.84 Can you please explain the reason for this? On a separate note they also reported spectacular Q1 sales growth on Monday yet still reported a loss of $0.16 /share. Will this company ever be able to turn a profit?
Read Answer Asked by Steven on June 05, 2020
Q: which of these companies has more potential up side. these are in my tfsa with well down 23% and PTG up 2%, both are long term holds I am planning on buying either both or one with new yearly deposit for tfsa. What would you recommend or is there a better buy in these markets.
Read Answer Asked by Ross on June 05, 2020