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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Have been following this stock for awhile and noticed that they issued a lot of shares at $6.50 shortly after the short attack. Their shares have since drifted down to $5.21 well under the offering price? Why would anyone buy at the offering price? I know warrants are attached to the offering. Expiry is August 27 th.
Can you help me understand this process. I dont get the logic of it?? Is short selling having some bearing on stocks performance?
I would have thought that under normal circumstances that the shares would have held at or around $6.50?

Please enlighten me
Thanks John
Read Answer Asked by John on August 11, 2020
Q: I read your last comment on QST’s qtr. Despite the large loss, cash did not fall at all. Was this simply due to asset write offs (non cash)? Also do you know how much the company benefited from the US PPP or Canada’s wags subsidy? I’m just try to find out how the company was able to burn through effectively no cash through an aweful qtr and just wondering if it is sustainable or reasonable to assume that going forward? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Scott on August 10, 2020
Q: What are your thoughts on Q2 results for Quarterhill ? They have a market cap of $230 m , but net cash of $136 m . Have they received their US$109 court award from Apple yet ? They are buying back 10% of their shares , but that still leaves a lot of cash that they seem to be allocating to M & A activity . Would not a dividend increase or a special dividend be appropriate in these circumstances ?
Read Answer Asked by Thomas A.J. on August 07, 2020
Q: The q numbers, are not a surprise to me...are they better or worse than your expectations? It is the comments found in the president's message also in the Outlook section of the release which I need help deciphering, They sound very positive; do you buy all these opportunities for qst, all the optimism she talks about? How much of this is company spin?
Read Answer Asked by Harry on August 07, 2020
Q: I see the last question asked on this equity was in 2017; I assume things have progressed since then. I have two questions - do you have any insight into the efficacy of this technology, are there competing interests etc.? I have read the adv literature; it sounds promising and they appear to quote legitimate sources - but maybe that is the art of promotion - and .... your site refers the reader to Creating Alpha whose value is not known to me. Do you have an opinion on this service, and of course on this equity? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Mike on August 04, 2020
Q: Hi 5i Team - Could you please provide an update on the fundamentals of Questor. In particular its cash balance, debt level, insider ownership and recent activity, cash flow, P/E as well as anticipated P/E, and anything else you think is relevant. Also your opinion on its growth prospects and do you think these growth prospects rely completely on the future of the energy sector. Do you think Questor has the ability to outlast a sustained energy downturn. I ask this as an existing shareholder considering selling part of my position (at a substantial loss) and allocating the money somewhere else. Your research and advice has always been very helpful and greatly appreciated! Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Rob on August 04, 2020