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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have taken an initial position in Vitalhub and would like your take on the recent contracts signed over the past couple of days. I’m considering adding as stocks in this space are getting strong support. Thanks to your advice, I got in early on WELL and am wondering if we might not be seeing the same scenario play out in this one.
Read Answer Asked by Warren on October 21, 2020
Q: I have a full position in WELL but am also intrigued with DOC based on your recent comments. Can you comment on the new appointments in the recent news release and the pedigree of management. Assuming DOC drops closer to the new bought deal price of $2.40 would you be a buyer here?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Marty on October 20, 2020
Q: Thanks to all of you for a terrific service. I obviously appreciate the excellent returns, but I really enjoy the opportunity to keep learning every day from your reports and thoughtful answers in the question section.

Could you please give a quick risk / reward outline on the above three small caps recently mentioned. Secondly, what are the five small caps in the US or Canada you are most excited about today if portfolio diversification is not an issue.

Please charge as many credits as needed.

Thanks again,
Read Answer Asked by Brian on October 19, 2020
Q: Hi,
In your growth portfolio what would be your top 10 list right now in terms of potential \ stock price appreciation in the next 2 -3 years? Would you be able to list them in order with a 1 to 10 rating on the risk for each one, 10 being highest risk.
Would there be another name on your watch list that could sneak into this list?
Please deduct credits as you see fit.
Thank you for your great service!
Read Answer Asked by Marco on October 19, 2020
Q: Are the above companies a buy at their current prices. I am considering taking a new position in each as i am looking for a few stocks with strong growth potential - within the context of an appropriate portfolio weighting. Thanks for the usual terrific service.
Read Answer Asked by jonathan on October 19, 2020