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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Can you please comment on PKT's recent announcement on 1) the purchase of 2 industrial sites for $36.25m 2) $10m private placement 3) Steve Scott's role in leading the newly focused company.
- with the private placement set at $.25, why is the stock trading at $.475 (.15 was the pre announcement price)?
- with the stock up over 200%, the market seems to like the deal. It seems like a major departure for a company that basically ran parking lots. Why such enthusiasm?
- do you know anything about Steve Scott (his bio seems very credible)?
- it appears as if Steve Scott is a principal owner of one of the properties being acquired - any red flags?
As a long term suffering shareholder I would love your comments and guidance. I originally purchased this with the understanding (hope?) that they would monetize some of their real estate assets but nothing happened for years. I am always a little leery of such moves in micro cap names and wonder if this is time to take my money and run or hang in there to enjoy the ride after seeing my money "idling in a parking lot" for way too long?

Many thanks
Read Answer Asked by Scott on December 07, 2020
Q: I believe that wednesday will be a big day for these 2 companies from what i read it will be the second reading of bill c-13 and then if that passes the last one would be in the middle of february if i am correct. MY QUESTION WOULD BE DO YOU SEE BOTH OF THESE COMPANIES GETTING LEGALIZED gambling here in canada and if so which do you feel , which one of these 2 would be a stronger company. Thks again
Read Answer Asked by wilson on December 07, 2020
Q: Hello, I was reading about something out west and they mentioned a company by name of Greengate power...are you familiar with this company??
Read Answer Asked by David on December 04, 2020
Q: should i think about dumping any of these companys i am down in.. cdz qst zbx crbk psh...... thaks in advance for your great sevice. regards cliff
Read Answer Asked by cliff on December 04, 2020
Q: Could you please rank your top 10 favourite growth small cap names (US, Canada, or elsewhere). Could you please also rank those same names in terms of lowest risk to highest. Thanks as always to the entire team for your unbelievable service.
Read Answer Asked by Brian on December 04, 2020
Q: I am really liking my initial impressions of Marten Transport (MRTN). It's relative lack of correlation to my current pipeline, bank and insurance company-centric portfolio plus its dividend (admittedly American...) make it attractive. What is your perception of MRTN? Do you see equivalent quality growth and dividend prospects among Canadian transport stocks?
Read Answer Asked by David on December 03, 2020
Q: Could you please provide a in depth dive to this company and it's prospects going froward. I own a little and wonder if I should by more. it has doubled since I bought it but I understand they have been around for long and done poorly
please comment on:
1. financial results ( Q4 & year end just out )
2. management
3. sector
4. sentiment
5. conference call
Read Answer Asked by JOSEPH on December 03, 2020
Q: Do you know who Is Behind fengate?

What are the next big steps and timing for scr. E.g. Legislative approval, cash flow from New Jersey, what new states are expected to allow gambling and when? Thank you for your prospective.
Do you see this legislative change also impacting The stars group. Any thought they companies would get together.
Read Answer Asked by mike on December 03, 2020